1. 8 years ago

    What is the proper procedure for ALiVE ieds? Are we supposed to just diffuse them or can we counter det them and get the same result? Im still finding after i blow one up it leaves a c4 block on the ground which kind of ruins the immersion a little when guys still think it is armed etc.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    I am always disarming IEDs by my explosive specialist and get them to any uninhabited area where will be destroyed.

  3. ? Is moving IED's a feature of ALiVE???

  4. Only one way to find out ;)

  5. @SpyderBlack723 Only one way to find out ;)

    I swear if you blow me up ...

  6. Are you left with a vanilka explosiv charge when you destroy them?

  7. Nope all just blew up in tremendous explosion.


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