Milsim mission

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello! I am new to alive. I see a lot of successful communities playing with it and thought we must give it a go. Ptoblem is all the templates I found here are more arcadish style or simple aet up to jave fun with friends. Would anybody willing to share a persistent campaign for about 20+ players so I can have a look at it and make my own?

    I am afraid of optimization as I have no idea how servera handle it.

    Thank you

  2. Well there really isn't much of a difference as far as the mission setup goes - most milsim communities will also use the War Room features as it adds persistence and AAR capabilities. Everything you need to know is here:

    You will need to have a dedicated server and a static IP address (or at least be willing to update the IP on the War Room page if it changes).

    As far as mission making with ALiVE there are some great missions out there already. Start here:

    Also google for "AUTigerGrad alive" and you'll get a bunch of his missions which are good to learn from.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Download AuTigerGrad's British Steel and thank me later :)

    Sangin is an FPS hog though if you don't have a decent rig. Any of his missions will do.

    EDIT: He's AuburnAlumni on Steam btw.

  4. thank you very much guys for the replies!

    I have only two concerns
    1st wherever I travel as Zeus i trigger the AI to spawn. Can I avoid that?
    2nd I use spyders call to prayer and ambiance I encounter this in most of the towns
    any ideas?

  5. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    2nd I use spyders call to prayer and ambiance I encounter this in most of the towns

    Hah, is that in MP or SP? I had no issues with the module in SP, but never got to test it in MP due to internet problems. @HeroesandvillainsOS  @AUTigerGrad This happen for you?

  6. LOL! Hang on, I need to pray first before I reply.

    Ok. Damn that's a lot of speakers! :) I've honestly been mostly in LAN lately so I haven't looked on a dedicated server. On LAN it's fine but I will definitely check ASAP. That's no good and I'll need to make some adjustments on my releases if it does that on a dedi.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh. One thing I should point out though is that the CTP module is much much more likely to place a speaker in the middle of a road (versus the script which almost never did that). I'll check the abundance of them on a server when I get home.

  8. Yeah lol! It's on a dedicated server. SpyderBlack723 any way to make maybe mayors have specific classes and priests too?

    Also I don't get what westerners and easterners civilians have in difference :P

  9. The western eastern thing is just their identity. One set to be western might be a village priest while the same set to eastern might be muezzin or town elder. It's just for immersion purposes depending on the map you're on.

  10. Also I don't get what westerners and easterners civilians have in difference

    Each have specific roles

    You can outfit civilians that have roles differently by detecting them with

    _role = {if (_civ getvariable [_x,false]) exitwith {_x}} foreach ["townelder","major","priest","muezzin","politician"];
  11. @SpyderBlack723 Hah, is that in MP or SP? I had no issues with the module in SP, but never got to test it in MP due to internet problems. @HeroesandvillainsOS  @AUTigerGrad This happen for you?

    Nope. No issue in dedi for me.

  12. I wonder what the heck is going on in that photo then?

  13. Edited 8 years ago by CyDoN

    SpyderBlack723 Each have specific roles

    You can outfit civilians that have roles differently by detecting them with

    _role = {if (_civ getvariable [_x,false]) exitwith {_x}} foreach ["townelder","major","priest","muezzin","politician"];

    Thx again
    For the other stuff If you guys want I can send you the mission file.

    uhm.... could you be so kind of giving me an example? How do I use it? Like a script?
    This is really dark waters for me.
    for example I would like
    lop_chr_civ_profiteer_01 for major
    lop_chr_civ_functionary_01 for politician
    lop_chr_civ_priest_01 for priest

    I found a bug with your ambiance SpyderBlack723 the animals do not appear I only get their shadows. I tried it without mods just wanted to report it to you.

  14. I found a bug with your ambiance SpyderBlack723 the animals do not appear I only get their shadows. I tried it without mods just wanted to report it to you.

    Nothing I can do about that unfortunately. It's either a bug with CBA or BIS bug.

    There is no way currently to explicitly set roles by unit class, you have to detect if each spawned unit has a role and then re-outfit them appropriately.

    github for feature requests

  15. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @CyDoN Thx again
    For the other stuff If you guys want I can send you the mission file.

    uhm.... could you be so kind of giving me an example? How do I use it? Like a script?
    This is really dark waters for me.
    for example I would like
    lop_chr_civ_profiteer_01 for major
    lop_chr_civ_functionary_01 for politician
    lop_chr_civ_priest_01 for priest

    I found a bug with your ambiance SpyderBlack723 the animals do not appear I only get their shadows. I tried it without mods just wanted to report it to you.

    Oh! You saw the majestic shadow sheep? They're an endangered species; one whom most men could never dream lay their eyes on. The locals say when spotted, it means times of prosperity for generations to come, and 6 weeks less of winter in the year seen. :)

    Yeah, I saw them once on Reshmaan too. I don't think it's anything to get worried about. Every time since they've spawned normally for me - like with bodies and stuff. But that one time It was shadows it was super cute. They were just outlines on the ground but were flapping their tails around and eating grass and stuff lol.

  16. thank you. I will look into it.

  17. @SpyderBlack723 I launched my Prophet mission on my server and the CTP speakers were fine. I mean, one rogue speaker was in the middle of one street (no big deal), but in the 4-5 bigger cities I teleported too everything was normal.

    I have no clue what's going on in that picture above.


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