Spyder addons recruitment?

  1. 8 years ago

    Would there be a way to spawn custom units with Spyder's recruitment module? I want to customize the loadout of the soldiers I recruit so they spawn with certain gear, differing from the actual faction's vanilla gear (RHS' USMC faction in this case). I can settle for just changing the uniform/vest/helmet combo if possible, but if I can customize the WHOLE loadout, that'd be beautiful. If this isn't the place to discuss Spyder's addon, my apologies. You can remove this topic from the forums if that's the case, or inform me and I can do so myself.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    May not be the ideal solution, but you can use the loadout manager to create custom loadouts, recruit the units, then transfer the loadout to the AI.

    We also have a tool coming in the next ALiVE update that may help with this.

  3. @SpyderBlack723 We also have a tool coming in the next ALiVE update that may help with this.

    Sir you just made me tingly in my happy place

  4. Is there a ticket open for this possible feature that I can look through? I'm encountering an odd issue (not really ALiVE related) and am thinking if this is what I think it is, it may solve the problem for me in a roundabout way.

  5. As always we'll do a test build soon enough before the official release.

  6. I was just wondering if I can read about what the intended feature might do. Or are you allowed to say how it might ideally work?

    It's cool if not. Figured it was worth asking.

  7. It's very cool.. you can basically create your own custom factions using a GUI



  8. Yep! If you guys get it functional, it'll do exactly what I was hoping! Thanks for the sneak peak!

  9. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Oh noes our secret!

    It's already functional

  10. Uh oh. Now I know where SavageCDN goes when he doesn't post on the forums for a bit. He's actually not on vacation and stuff like that, he's in contributor timeout for divulging trade secrets. :(

  11. He's actually not on vacation

    Nope, the dungeon.

  12. Help I'm being repressed!

  13. Slams door


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