ALiVE server wont save!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Chaosduck7

    So I am using TADST . my ALiVE server is always stuck on "Saving please wait"

    I left it running for 30 minutes with no luck. So im assuming it doesnt want to save.

    I tried it on Sahrani and Al Rayak, same problem.

    my server syncs up with the war room just fine. I can see it pop online and it updates all my kills and deaths and stuff. It even says "Welcome Chaosduck7" when I join.

    I then tried it with only CBA and ALIVE mods. I made a playable character on altis and set down the alive required, alive player options, alive data and virtual AI system. Then I set down a military commander and civ objective placement and just made a simple nato forces occupation. And it worked. This makes me think its a mod causing the issue but I tried one by one running it without various mods and it still had the same problem. The mission itself does not even have any assets from these mods. So it kinda makes me think something in my alive mission is setup wrong?

    Its basically the sahrani map with the whole main island as the TAOR for the SLA, and the small airbase island to the north tasked as a blacklist zone for the players. I have an AI commander for the enemy synced to civ placement, mil placement, logistics and CQC.

    I have an AI commander for the BLUFOR team synced to the enemies placement modules, but I do not have blufor spawn modules, as this mission was made for me to play by myself and zeus in units as needed without friendly AI getting in the way.

    I also have C2ISTAR for CAS, Arty and heli transport. Everything that has the option has persistance turned on.

    The mission also works perfectly fine in LAN.

    I have no idea where else to look for the problem.

    This is the latest rpt file in my TADST folder. There were multiple ones, so I took the newest dated one.

    And this is the log file. Doesnt appear to say much

    Mods im using are
    3den enhanced
    Realistic Tank Crew
    ASR AI
    Alaska 2035
    CUP weapons
    Cup units
    Cup maps
    Cup vehicles
    Cup core
    Cup ACE3 compatibility addon vehicles
    Cup ACE3 compatibility addon weapons
    Mission Enhanced Little Bird
    G.O.S Al Rayak
    DerSilver Blastcore
    Isla Duala
    Wake Island

    But like I said, I already tried disabling most of them with no luck.


  2. Silly question perhaps, but the server command line was cut off in the RPT, and i didnt see a -serverMod=@AliveServer in there.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by SavageCDN

    There have been a few reports of saving not working with a 'large' modset. I think the only way to narrow it down is to remove mods until it works again, then add back one at a time until it fails.

    I would try this first:

    • remove all other maps except the one needed for your mission
    • remove MCC there are (were?) known issues when running alongside ALiVE
    • remove Blastcore from the server - in the past there were issues with running it on your server (and unless things have changed it's only needed on the client anyway)
    • remove 3den no need to run on the server


    Still not working? Remove:

    • Realistic Tank Crew
    • Ares
    • MELB

    Test again. Hopefully by then it will work as what's left of your modset is pretty standard and we know it works.

    edit: Just saw Heroes similar post on BIS forums

  4. Copy cat :(

  5. Obviously you've been well trained ;)

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Chaosduck7

    @Whigital Silly question perhaps, but the server command line was cut off in the RPT, and i didnt see a -serverMod=@AliveServer in there.

    I have that mod loaded in TADST.

    And yeah I wtried reducing the mods. I got down to only CBA, ALIVE, CUP pack and the CUP/ACE compatibility patches and it still didnt work.

    It looks like something is wrong with how I put the mission together then?

  7. Please post your server RPT file from the CBA ALiVE CUP test

  8. Edited 7 years ago by Chaosduck7

    @SavageCDN Please post your server RPT file from the CBA ALiVE CUP test

    This is with only the CUP+Cup compatibility+ACE+CBA test

    I also had the same exact mods loaded on my client, with nothing extra.

  9. Oops that attempt didnt have @AliveServer loaded.

    Trying again now, will post RPT

  10. Yep still didnt work

  11. Sorry for the quadruple post but this is the mission im trying to play

  12. Edited 7 years ago by SavageCDN
    ALiVE Global INIT
    ALiVE Global Init Timer Started
    ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT
    Warning: 1420 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "ALiVEPlugIn", function: "StartALiVE ['true']"
    ALIVE_SYS_DATA START PLUGIN: ["StartALiVE","OK","Performance Monitor: Disabled"]
    DATA: Loading ALiVE config from database.
    DATA: Restoring player data for B Alpha 1-1:1 (ChaosDuck7) REMOTE
    ALiVE_fnc_HashGet retrieved wrong input ["SYS_DATA_ERROR","ServerGroup","Unknown"] from ALiVE_fnc_hashGet!
    ALiVE_fnc_HashGet retrieved wrong input ["SYS_DATA_ERROR","username","Unknown"] from ALiVE_fnc_hashGet!
    ALiVE [m_21|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT COMPLETE TIME:  13.574
    Admin logged in, player: ChaosDuck7, playerUID: 12345, IP:
    ALiVE Exit - mode: SAVESERVERYO
    [9840,165.489,17.779,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=[""REMSAVE""]"]
    [9840,165.49,17.779,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=[""SAVESERVERYO"",""12345""]"]
    ALiVE Exit - Saving Server
    ADMIN UID: 12345
    ADMIN: B Alpha 1-1:1 (ChaosDuck7) REMOTE

    Thanks for the RPT. At this point I would verify your War Room settings and re-download the .cfg and .dll files from the War Room. Make sure you are following the directions there and also make sure the files are 'unblocked' in Windows (right-click, Properties) after you download them. There should also be a persistence log file in either the A3 root directory or under @aliveserver which will have more useful info.

    If still failing I'll have one of the devs take a look there might be an issue with your WR account or similar.

  13. I dont think its anything wrong with my account or config files because if I make a simple vanilla mission with alive, it saves perfectly and in an instant.

  14. @Tupolov

  15. Edited 7 years ago by Chaosduck7

    Ok, so I found this out completely by accident.

    If I save the mission as "TEST" and export it to MP missions, it saves just fine! WTF Lol

    Its not like i was naming it anything crazy. I just saved it as sahranicampaign

    What gives?

    The only connection i can see is, when I tried setting up a vanilla ALIVE server with almost nothing in it on Altis, i named it TEST and it saved just fine. Im so confused

    edit: Yeah I dont think its actualy working. I think it just thinks that its saving the previous vanilla campaign that actually saved for some reason. Ive since tried a bunch of all capital letter names and none of them work. Only "TEST" does, which im assuming is still registered on the warroom server.

  16. Edited 7 years ago by Chaosduck7

    So, I figured it out!

    For some reason, it doesnt like the fact that I have 2 OPCOMs.

    I had 1 red opcom that was synced to logistics, military placement, civilian placement (which was synced to CQB) and then I had a blue opcom which did not have ANY placement modules (i do not want friendly AI), but was synced to the enemy civilian placement and military placement.

    I removed the blue OPCOM, keeping the red opcom as it is and now it saves just fine.

    So this is a start, but I would like to find a way to get my blue opcom to work so I can have it task me missions.

    My ultimate goal is to have the ability to be tasked, but without having friendly AI getting in the way and cluttering the map.

  17. You do not need a friendly opcom in order for C2ISTAR mission tasking to work (assuming that's what you are referring to). An OPCOM with no units will error out so I assume something was messing with the persistence there.

  18. Edited 7 years ago by Chaosduck7

    @SpyderBlack723 You do not need a friendly opcom in order for C2ISTAR mission tasking to work (assuming that's what you are referring to). An OPCOM with no units will error out so I assume something was messing with the persistence there.

    That makes sense. So even without an AI commander it will intelligently know what to attack/prioritize?

    Side question I also posted on the alive thread on BI forums

    For the "Insert the troops mission"

    Is there no way to make it use a custom faction? It always has me pick up the vanilla nato blufor troops. Is that by design or am i doing something wrong?

    im trying it with the cup marines (CUP_B_USMC)

  19. If you have the custom faction entered in the C2ISTAR moduke and it still uses vanilla units, it's very possible it's setup to do that. I can try to take a quick look next week, but I'm not very familiar with the C2ISTAR system.

  20. Edited 7 years ago by Chaosduck7

    @SpyderBlack723 If you have the custom faction entered in the C2ISTAR moduke and it still uses vanilla units, it's very possible it's setup to do that. I can try to take a quick look next week, but I'm not very familiar with the C2ISTAR system.

    Yeah i just tried doing that and it spit out nato units. Not a big deal though.

    Hopefully last question

    What exactly is supposed to persist with the war room saving? I generated a task and did not complete it. Then I saved succesfuly with the war room cloud. I closed my dedicated server, then opened it back up, launcehd the mission again. It synced successfully and the task that I did not complete wasnt there anymore.

    I also tried placing down random units with zeus, recruiting AI to my squad, loading a loadout and teleporting myself to somewhere different than the spawn to see what persists.

    NONE of these saved. I started back at spawn with default weapons, no AI, none of the vehicles were there and the task that I left in progress wasnt there anymore.

    Is this normal?

    If its by design, none of this is a big deal. My main concern is enemy casualties and enemy sectors that have been taken over/cleared persist. As long as these two happen, im happy. I just want to make sure everything is working as it should.

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