If you let both blufor and opfor spawn at will in the same area i imagine that you would loose quite a few profiles early on as they could spawn on top of eachother.
Yeah that really does make the most sense. For map-wide, no holds barred, long-term persistent battles, I really like to let the entire map (for the most part) be in play so any area outside of our bases has the *chance* of having an enemy presence. For these kinds of missions I just find that to be the most exciting way to set things up, to have two commanders fight over the map while I go about executing missions and watching things unfold.
To keep players engaged, I like to restrict friendly spawns to (sometimes small) medium and large objectives only, that way I can explore without too much interference, but still have ample friendly units to call to a location if needed.
If this is a conventional army vs army battle I imagine there would be a rough frontline established, maybe try and set it up so that each area only have one faction that spawns there and instead create some empty "objective only" module for where you want them to attack. If this is how you do it already just ignore me :P
This is probably a good method for creating a more precise battle over a specific city or area in a circumstance where one side has established a portion of the map for themselves before the mission even started, but what I'm imagining is creating a mission where my side's only safe zones are the areas immediately surrounding our FOB's, with the rest of the map being fought over. That's a good suggestion though and I may try something like this if I can't balance what I'm working on to my liking.
Also, if you want a better idea of where the units will spawn, you could place them manually in the editor and sync them to Virtual AI module. I tend to do this on my conventional missions so I can establish an actual ORBAT for my OPFOR and organize them a little more than ALiVE would have. After the mission starts, ALiVE does as it pleases with them.
You know, this is exactly what I actually do in my Insurgency missions. Lol. For the same reasons. Not a bad idea! It allows me to spread out the forces so the map feels well populated, but it also has the additional benefit of keeping total objectives down to a reasonable level (when I use this method, my obj modules are set to objective only). I think this goes full circle back the first part too with units spawning in close proximity to each other and killing one another immediately on mission start. I agree that battles seem to prolong themselves when you place and virtualize the profiles yourself because they're be spread out more when the mission begins. I may end up doing this so thanks for the advice.
Yesterday I guess I made a little progress. I went back in and decided to rebalance the obj modules by increasing the total profile spawns. Fortunately, increasing a module from let's say a platoon 30 to a company 100, doesn't actually seem to change the total profile spawns all that much and also seems to fill in the gaps a little bit better too.
After that I filled in some additional empty spaces (such as tiny village buildings) with some objective-only cust obj modules and I'm *more or less* getting the results I'm after. Though I need more time with it to see.
That said, I'm still not 100% thrilled with how BCR's are working out. OPCOM cycles are just aggravatingly long (I'm guessing they last over 15 minutes). There's so so much dead time where 20-30 BCR profiles are just clustered and just sitting there doing a whole lotta nothing waiting for OPCOM to give them an assignment. When you only have an hour or two to play, it's that much more painful because large swaths of the map are still empty and no OPCOM strategies really exist. You'd think when set to "constant" I wouldn't be noticing this because they should be trying to replenish in the neighborhood of when they're at 90% capacity. So far this does not seem to be anywhere near the case!
I'll likely try some of the suggestions you guys made so I can at least get a better grasp on how the inner-workings of the mode functions. For this mission specifically, it's designed to be more or less an ambient war backdrop for ALiVE auto-task mission generation anyway so it doesn't need to be perfect, but for other maps I hope to find a better method for full map conventional battles that lets OPCOM's utilize more strategies than what I'm seeing. Thanks for the suggestions guys.