Making a Group Fight

  1. 8 years ago

    So I'm attempting to work on a mission where the player embeds with an AI group and tools around working as their JTAC against some ALiVE enemies, but even though the only TAOR that's set is in the thick of the action, the group just wants to patrol around north of the action away from any sort of TAOR. Of course I could just override the waypoints in the command menu or set up a patrol route for the group, but I was hoping to make an organic ALiVE experience using the AI commander. Any idea how I might get this done?

    I have the friendly commander set to invasion, although I suspect since there's only one group of friendlies he's putting them on reserve, but it doesn't seem to make sense that he's having them patrol an area that isn't marked as interesting to him at all.

    Here's an overview of my mission.


  2. I believe regardless of the Commander type, he will always leave a group in reserve to protect his objectives.
    So try increasing the number of units for that Commander, and try placing a few or a bunch of very high priority objectives where you want the heat of the action to be. Should work just fine. :)

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    ^^^ If this is for a one off session kind of mission, without persistence, you may be happier manually placing the units and giving them attack waypoints in the editor. Lots of people come on here asking how to make virtualized ALiVE units "bring it" to a specific area, and you may have luck doing with ALiVE, but depending on what you want to do, you may not.

    Play around with it.

  4. Friznit

    23 Mar 2017 Administrator

    You are dead to me. I can no longer help you.

    (But place more groups. 5 or 6 should do the trick)

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Personal vendettas get the banhammer Friznit. You have that power to be swift and deadly (though please don't ban me, I'm being good :) Narrowsoul though, you know what to do ;) ).

  6. :) Thanks for the support, Friznit. Working hard to replicate something milsim-ish for single player to fill the hole in my heart, and because my cunt boss continues to schedule things on Wednesday so I can't even drop in over break.

    I'm gonna try putting some REMFs up at the airfield etc and put my little MARSOC element right on the edge of the fighting, as well as a high priority objective synced only to the Marine commander deep in the south within an ANA TAOR that should have about a platoon of ninny ANA dudes that Murrika has to go save. Fingers crossed that it turns into something playable, I'll release it on the workshop if it turns out well.

  7. Sounds like a neat mission. :)

  8. Hm, well this is interesting. I had it working once by making some other AI groups virtualized near the airfield but had to scrap the mission for an unrelated bug where the player slot quit working (I'm guessing it was ACE related). But when remaking things, any time I sync other AI groups to the Virtual AI module, my group of dudes just totally quit moving at all, they're no longer even patrolling an area, they just sit still where they're starting.

    Any ideas?

  9. Correction, when I sync any more than three other AI groups is when they just sit there like bumps on a log. Really odd, it's almost like the AI commander doesn't tend to more than four groups at a time? I have his max simultaneous attacks set to 15.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @narrowsoul I'm playing a mission right now where OPFOR (Assymetric with 4 simultaneous attack objs) has about 40 profiles synced to the Virtual AI module and they are moving just fine. You may want to remove some mods to see what is causing this.

    Are you saying at 3+, all of them stop moving? Are they frozen in place when they spawn in the game world or just stuck when virtualized?

  11. When I get home I'll post a screenshot of the operations view, one or two of the groups to the north seem to have a patrol set of waypoints, but then the group I want to go whoop ass has a waypoint line extending like a couple hundred meters southwest, as well as a couple of the other groups, which they don't act on at all.

    They spawn in, the trucks that are in the group back up and turn just a bit, and then they just stand there in a big V formation, with the leader not giving any orders at all.

    It even happened when I spawned in some ANA dudes down in the south that were synced to a different commander than my Marine commander.

    I will remove some mods, I had planned on culling the mod list down for a suitable release on the Workshop anyway. Really hoping I don't have to get rid of Project Opfor but we'll see.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by narrowsoul

    Hmm, hopped over to the Project OPFOR bistudio forum topic and someone has reported a module error with 64 bit, which I had seen myself but just brushed off before. Maybe that's the issue. Definitely going to try rebuilding without Project OPFOR, although that's really gonna limit my insurgent possibilities. Will report back.

  13. I'm using Project OPFOR in the mission of mine I mentioned above.

    Why not just make a quick and dirty vanilla (ALiVE/CBA only) mission first and see what's what, so you don't have to gut your mission before it's necessary?

    Or if you want, I can link you one of mine to see if you can confirm the behavior. I've got a bunch that use Project OPFOR. And I know how much of a PITA it is to remove dependencies so I'll help you here if you need me too.

  14. If you have the 3CB mods, all of the PO units in this mission are synced to Virtual AI:

    If you don't have 3CB, but have Sangin (for Arma 2), all of the PO units in this mission are synced to Virtual AI:

    Both mission's PO commanders are Assymetric, if that makes a difference. If you think it does, just change the Commander type and see if they execute orders.

  15. Wait a second... Should I be making my Marine commander asymmetric as well? I had the Marine commander as invasion, and the insurgent as asymmetric. I did try setting the insurgent commander to occupation instead of asymmetric but that didn't seem to help.

  16. Haha not unless you want Marines recruiting civs, setting up IED's and all in all, being terrorists. :)

    Nah, leave them as Invasion or Occupation. Keep the insurgent commander as Assymetric.

  17. If your mission is based around a group, I would manually assign it waypoints, there's no guarantee it will be assigned to attack.

  18. Fuggin fug. Couldn't even get it to work with just ALiVE and CBA, they just stand there like morons as soon as I sync 4 BLUFOR groups to the commander.

    I'm just gonna go with some manual waypoints, or maybe setting a placement module in the area of the player and they can just follow some random motorized group if they want. I'll report back with how that goes as well.

  19. @narrowsoul Fuggin fug. Couldn't even get it to work with just ALiVE and CBA, they just stand there like morons as soon as I sync 4 BLUFOR groups to the commander.

    Is that a typo or are you actually syncing the units to the Commander? They need to by synced to the Virtual AI module.

  20. Typo; I had been syncing them to the Virtual AI module. Good call though, that would have been fucked if that were the problem this whole time lol.

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