Blacklist tasks with new tactical/strategic separation

  1. 7 years ago


    So, I'll just go straight for it:

    How do I blacklist tasks now that they are categorized like they are? I used to do the old execVM "staticData.sqf"; staticData.sqf; and in it keep the old ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["CivAssault","Assassination","DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets","Rescue"];

    But now it seems to just assign tasks all over the spectrum. As an infantryman with only infantry playable, it generated a CAS task (when set to generate random tasks).


    Your biggest fan.

  2. I don’t believe you can blacklist tasks right now with Strategic. Remember it’s highly WIP. I’m about 7 hours into a mission and haven’t had a task yet using it (this mission has no Air Commander)).

  3. Thanks. Does it work for Tactical tasks? Ime no.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What do you mean by Tactical? There are two task types, Strategic and whatever the other one is called now. The other one youcan blacklist task types as you’re aware, the new Strategic I’m fairly sure you can’t.

  5. I believe the other one is called Tactical Tasks.

  6. I might be wrong on the name though. But I couldn’t get the blacklist to work on either of them (they both gave me CAS missions).

  7. Oh those are air tasks I’m assuming because you have them set to on in the MACC module. Should be an option to turn those off or not auto.

  8. That’s a negatory, no MACC-module is placed.

    Or should I place one just to turn it off?

  9. I’m afk but itching to know, that’s why I’m asking stupid questions instead of just trying for myself...

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hmm I’m honestly not sure. So you’re getting air tasks when not inside a plane and without MACC placed? That doesn’t make sense but I’m not too accustomed to Strategic tasking yet. @Tupolov ?

    @Easy can you explain in detail how your mission is set up regarding tasking?

  11. Can confirm, CAS tasks generate (A LOT) when you pick Strategic Auto Tasking. I came to the forums to learn how to blacklist tasks, didn't realise you couldn't blacklist Strategic ones (the wiki doesn't mention that).

    I can try plopping a MACC (because we all know what that means) and disabling stuff and see if that stops the CAS auto-tasking to player infantry units who are not in air vehicles

  12. @doubleDizz Can confirm, CAS tasks generate (A LOT) when you pick Strategic Auto Tasking. I came to the forums to learn how to blacklist tasks, didn't realise you couldn't blacklist Strategic ones (the wiki doesn't mention that).

    Thanks updated wiki with note.

  13. I stopped getting CAS after putting the MACC module down and disabling all the options in it


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