Hey all. I have a few issues I have been dealing with in the last mission I made. Its on Altis. Modlist is as follows:
So here are the issues that im running into.
First, I have vehicles spawning in on both sides that when they uncache, they explode and cookoff thanks to ACE. Is there anything I can do about this? It is every mission ive made for ALiVE. Ground and Air vehicles do this. Not every one, just some.
Next, and this is a recent issue, more groups are spawning than I set. Currently I set them to 60 profiles per side. But they look like this.
The album link has all the photos related to my settings, what the profiles currently look like, and the TOAR areas.
If anyone has any tips or help. I would highly appreciate it. Thanks.
BTW ALiVE is currently updated to the newly released version as of 8/31/2018