Alive Combat Transport with ACE3 FRIES

  1. 8 years ago

    I would like to know if anyone knows a way to use a combat support transport and the FRIES fastroping system from ACE3. I can currently get the ropes to deploy using the Ghosthawk in singleplayer testing except as soon as I attempt to fastrope in the ropes disconnect as the pilot seems to boost his engine slightly. This causes me to fall about 90 percent of the way and die. Does anyone know of a solution to provide fast roping even if not with ACE3 that works with the combat transport module? I've also tried to place custom helicopters and put the lines of code in the init field and sync them to combat support module and to not be virtualized but the fries gantry spawns on the ground. This is one of the last major things my friends and I would like to use on our dedicated server. If Alive and Ace could share a working fastroping solution or if Alive had its own native solution it would be awesome.

  2. I'd love an ALiVE-only feature for this.

  3. I'm not sure, but if you make a Transport support and order him to pick u up, then get in and talk to the pilot, you can order Land, Land with Engine off and hover/Drop. There you can tell him a height. And if he hovers in that height, you should be able to rope down.
    Just theoretical, since I didn't try it.

  4. I understand how to do all that but there is an issue where when you set the pilot for insertion at 10m or any height. What happens is that with ACE 3 fastroping when you go to actually go down the rope the rope detaches after a meter or so. I think the pilot may be seeing you as an obstacle and pulling up which cuts the rope as i hear the engine increase power. Perhaps there is a way to suspend this behavior. I tested this only through the editor and singleplayer so far.

  5. I Would Love More Info On This Also

  6. I tried to remedy this in the last update. It was working as far as I could tell, but there's not too much you can do as it's vanilla AI behavior to avoid obstacles by going higher.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Guys Advanced Rappelling is really the dream mod for fast roping. It works by default on like every chopper and can automatically rappell up to 6 AI with just the push of a button.

    No mission setup needed. Just run it as a mod on client and server.

    Just like Spyder said, just make sure you find a clear and open place (with as flat a surface) as possible. And have the chopper use a normal or slow speed. So far, so good.

  8. We are turning off the rappelling and other stuff within ACE so we are able to only use Advanced stuff from Duda....the reason is his stuff just works and works well.


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