Massi's Middle East Warfare/African Conflict

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  2. 8 years ago

    Oh yes good point about me opening it up. I can probably just replace the items from your script and cater it to the African Insurgents. I'll take a look! :)

    If you get a sec, what faction and faction name is used for the USMC config patch? I'm assuming that patch is so the USMC BLUFOR units don't automatically use high powered tanks and stuff by default? Or is it just an RHS redress patch?

  3. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    There are everything including Naval forces.
    Over 2000 lines of code.

    You need to define in ALiVE opcom logistic which forces will be used by OPCOM in your scenario

  4. @DaVidoSS Thanks for posting those configs buddy. VERY nice and much needed.

    This combined with the Redress Script is really opening up some more Opfor/mission options without having to use a bunch of unit packs.


  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @AUTigerGrad @DaVidoSS Thanks for posting those configs buddy. VERY nice and much needed.

    This combined with the Redress Script is really opening up some more Opfor/mission options without having to use a bunch of unit packs.


    Agreed! Davidoss has shared some amazing stuff lately. :)

    I'm going to take a crack on the re-dress for the African Insurgents later. I'm thinking just head gear and maybe a few other things should make them look Islamic enough. Hopefully it works ok with ALiVE and doesn't tank performance with the constant unit checking. One way to find out!

    If you end up with something you like ok I'd love to see it too. You have an eye for detail that I most definitely lack. LOL!

    I wonder if there's a way to get them to speak an African language or at the very least, maybe some Arabic if that's the only choice...It's sort of jarring to hear them shout in English but I guess the language is popular enough I can pretend they're all well educated.

  6. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


    Were you able to get that redress script working? I tried this which I was under the impression should work:

    But although they spawn with the correct shemags, turbans, etc the rest of their bodies spawn naked and they have no weapons or gear. LOL! I was told empty arrays would use default faction gear so maybe this isn't ALiVE compatible without filling in all the arrays?

  7. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


    Hey man before I start a new thread, I'm wondering if you knew of a way to blacklist certain groups or classnames from spawning? Over on BIS forums AuTigerGrad made a really good point about Massi's unarmed units. Pretty sure there are some mixed into his units. They are probably not ideal for ALiVE if Massi lumps them into the faction class. I haven't personally seen them spawn myself with the Takistani's but I can't see how they wouldn't if they were mixed in. I'll look over Massi's groups again in the editor later but I'm pretty sure I know the exact unarmed guys he was asking about.

    Do you know of any way around this or does your config patch directly address it (or maybe you've never seen them spawn so it's no big deal?)?

  8. Edited 7 years ago by DaVidoSS

    My config patchs have no groups with unarmed units. If you use config patches factions you will never see unarmed units running around.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Update insurgents config patch.
    Added custom roadblocks which is changing vanilla static guns to used by faction.
    Upgrade roadblocks to be much more defensive.
    Optional config for mas_nato_rus_sf_veh included.
    StaticData file included.
    Need be loaded with @middle_East_Warfare , @mas_nato_rus_sf_veh and @NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons
    Insurgents faction = OPF_MTI_F

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @DaVidoSS is the StaticData file required? I currently have one set up for 3CB logistics (etc) and really don't know how to merge yours with mine. What does your StaticData file do? Just alter the roadblocks and their defensiveness or is that in the patch itself?

  11. Edited 7 years ago by DaVidoSS

    In staticData there are only one line which is define the custom roadblocks for ALiVE.
    Without that ALIVE will use its own predefined roadblocks.
    You need to add that line to your existing staticData file.

  12. Nice.

    I really appreciate these. You've single handedly made a good Taliban mod the BEST Taliban mod.

  13. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


    Quick question about the Middle East Warfare compatibility patch. Does your patch group them differently from the way Massi groups them? I think he has them in 4, 6, 8 and 10 groups. Does yours follow the same format?

    Also I was wondering about the optional NATO RUS vehicles patch for Middle East Warfare. Do I need that for the enemy motorized groups to spawn with vehicles that have weapons attached? Some of the enemy vehicles that spawn without it have enemies inside but no gun attached to the back so they sort of patrol but can't actually engage you unless they decide to get out of the vehicles (which I haven't seen them do yet).

  14. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I was wrong about them not getting out of the vehicle. They do. I'd still love to see some attached technicals but I'm not sure if Massi has any TBH. Would love some clarification on the optional vehicles patch and also your groupings if you get a sec Davidoss..

  15. Edited 7 years ago by DaVidoSS

    All is defined by mod author. If he has planed to create a faction with vehicle group, than you have such groups in faction.
    You can find all in editor entities selecting proper faction and groups when desired mods are loaded.
    MY config patch for OPF_MTI_F is based on CSAT, uses massi takistan units HD with
    Infantry, Support Infantry and Motorized Infantry


  16. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks Davidoss. I think I'm just used to how CAF seems to spawn more 8-10 man groups. I find Massi's will spawn in the exact same places on the map, but do more 2,4 and 6 man groups instead. So I just went and upped the number of groups to compensate and now we're good. :)

    Your patch with this mod is remarkable. Thanks so much! Those roadblocks are really incredible too! I'm not sure what the weapon is called but I walked to one and I saw this freaking monster of a launcher (it has these wheels attached so it can rotate and the barrel is like 6 feet) and I was like "Oh Hell no!" And ran away like a little girl. LOL! Good job!

  17. All for more fun. There also full truck of nasty insurgents driving around. Imagine that: You drive doing a regular patrol then suddenly a truck appear from the other side, stops and bunch (15) of insurgents is jumping out. :-)

  18. Nice! I've yet to see that so I'll be sure to run away then too. :) Thanks for the heads up. Gotta be careful out there. Liberating the Middle East is hard work! Lol

  19. Here are video which is showing differences between roadblocks types.
    First 5 are default ALiVE roadblocks.

  20. It was that last one I saw last night and I was like, "Nope!" LOL! I mean look at that beast!

    Very nice work Davidoss and thanks for sharing the video.

  21. @DaVidoSS

    I had one more quick question about the motorized units in the OPF_MTI_F patch. So these vehicles here:

    How are they designed to behave? Basically, I see these spawning for motorized units but when I teleport to them they are always empty. Are units being dropped off (including the driver?)? Or is this a bug? Is there supposed to be units inside the trucks?

    They don't seem to drive around. They are just planted there, sitting at the spawn points. Empty. Is that the way it's supposed to work?

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