I fixed that error ^ It will be released in an upcoming hotfix
I fixed that error ^ It will be released in an upcoming hotfix
Thanks Spyder. :)
So far the only error Im getting is
Note: This is not with the quickstart mission. Its a small 3 way fight in Tanoa.
@ski2060 Why would they NOT separate them right off the bat? Seems sloppy, or lazy.
Time to start mucking about with Tanoa. Can't decide if I want to do an Anti-Piracy/drug interdiction campaign, Abu-Sayyaf rebellion, or what...
Is the Syndikat usable as an ALIVE faction? I'd like to use them as a rebel force if possible.
Syndikat is usable with the classname IND_C_F
I'll see what I can do about the civilian factions..
I'm noticing that the automatic clutter for slingloading can cause explosions. In the QuickStart mission, I've been moving around the transport heli modules a bit and see that when using B_Heli_Transport_03_F, and large items like bunkers and medical containers spawn, they spawn too close to the transport chopper and it causes the vehicle to blow up.
I'm hoping eventually there's a way to keep the slingloading but disable the clutter. I mean I guess for people looking to make an instantaneous mission, this option would be ok, but for anyone that spends more than a few minutes in the editor, the slingloading clutter I think might just get in the way if it doesn't take into account other editor placed objects. Or, in this case, especially if it doesn't consider the placement of the transport chopper itself.
If you guys want to keep the clutter (even if it's kept optional), perhaps a custom composition would be preferable so at least then you could determine exactly where it would spawn?
Noticing all the Civilians are stuck in place and either sitting or on their backs. No they aren't dead. You can still search/talk to etc.
@HeroesandvillainsOS I'm noticing that the automatic clutter for slingloading can cause explosions. In the QuickStart mission, I've been moving around the transport heli modules a bit and see that when using B_Heli_Transport_03_F, and large items like bunkers and medical containers spawn, they spawn too close to the transport chopper and it causes the vehicle to blow up.
I'm hoping eventually there's a way to keep the slingloading but disable the clutter. I mean I guess for people looking to make an instantaneous mission, this option would be ok, but for anyone that spends more than a few minutes in the editor, the slingloading clutter I think might just get in the way if it doesn't take into account other editor placed objects. Or, in this case, especially if it doesn't consider the placement of the transport chopper itself.
If you guys want to keep the clutter (even if it's kept optional), perhaps a custom composition would be preferable so at least then you could determine exactly where it would spawn?
I should amend this comment just a bit. I think it's possible I have two choppers set to spawn clutter too close together. I haven't tested it, but it would makes sense. I generally prefer my choppers to be in a row on my bases and I'm assuming this is why I'm getting the clutter to spawn on top of the helicopters.
@Tupolov Thanks for the testing and feedback guys. We'll be pushing this version out today and then we'll do a patch either end of this week or early next.
So to summarize current issues:
- Slingloading is a bit hit/miss, people want option to get rid of container clutter
- Air building index isn't quite right, aircraft spawning in terminal buildings
- New Police faction does not spawn
You forgot 4. Task persistence is not working. This is for me the number 1 priority for ALiVE as it is preventing me from finishing several campaigns I hav, including Heroesandvillains amazing Prophet mission. Srry if I keep bringing it up, but it is what is keeping me from ALivE at the moment and I cant wait to get back to it lol
Thank you for the amazing work u guys are doing
^^^^ Prophet doesn't have auto-tasking enabled by default. I'm glad you like the mission, buddy and I appreciate the kind words. :) I'll put an update out for it after next ALiVE hotfix. The new start up error freaks me out.
I know it sucks tasks aren't persisting though. I'm sure they'll figure it out soon.
Just so I'm clear, there is currently no way to have slingloading enabled without the clutter objects, correct?
@Riley Noticing all the Civilians are stuck in place and either sitting or on their backs. No they aren't dead. You can still search/talk to etc.
Seeing that you have nightvision on I'm guessing it was nighttime, which means that they were probably just in their sleep state.
Here's a quick mod I created that separates the civilian factions (and also adds FIA to the independant side)
Enables the use of:
Civilians (European) - CIV_F_EUROPE
Civilians (African) - CIV_F_AFRICA
Civilians (Asian) - CIV_F_ASIA
Civilians (Tanoan) - CIV_F_TANOA
FIA (Indpendant) - IND_G_F
Genius! Thank you Spyder. Was just looking for something like that.
CIV_F_TANOA works for me, and yet I haven't used the above mod. Did ALiVE fold these factions into the core mod, or did you fold it into your Addon pack Spyder (which I do run)?
It was included in ALiVE as soon as the next update hits. The independent mod remains for those who do not use ALiVE.