Hello, I know that it's specifically stated on the wiki that local DB won't get any support, but I'd really hope that some of you could help me anyways. I've followed this tutorial : . I've done all the steps and filled in the alive.cfg with by "url" aka. localhost:5984, but in the @ALiVEServer logs it says that there's "No URL in config".
Here's my alive.cfg
I've checked that my tag is authorized.
This is a raw excerpt from my log, I censored my username, tag and password.
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] Configuration found: C:\Users\Censored\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] No URL in config. Using default.
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK.
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [debug] Alive Config:
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [debug] Type: JSON
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [debug] User: [CENSORED]
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [debug] Pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [debug] Group: [CENSORED]
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [debug] URL: http://db.alivemod.com:5984
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] Checking WarRoom access...
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] URL: http://alivemod.com/api/authorise?&group=*Censored*
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] WarRoom access granted.
[2016-12-04 20:00:10] [info] Checking DB access...
[2016-12-04 20:00:11] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
[2016-12-04 20:00:11] [error] Error: Unable to connect to DB
[2016-12-04 20:00:11] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
[2016-12-04 20:00:11] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','Unable to connect to DB']]
[2016-12-04 20:00:11] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 620.095ms
I'd really appreciate any help that I could get on this matter.