Using the phone in ALiVE????

  1. 8 years ago

    Anyone ever used the "ItemALiVEPhoneOld" in a mission and if so can you give me a little help on how it works? Or does it work?

  2. When using the secret phone number, it directly dials Tupolov and his BIS avatar.

  3. No clue really. I'm guessing it may be an object used for dropped Intel in Assymetric missions, or a custom asset for ALiVE compositions, but I honestly am not sure.

  4. Just a prop for asymmetrical purposes.

  5. Well hell...I was hoping that for those asymmetrical purposes it could be utilized by players doing the assymetrical things. That would be completely amazing instead of having to use radios.

  6. TFAP

  7. @incontinenetia TFAP

    Good one! :)

  8. Sounds a bit wrong doesn't it?


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