Possible issue with planes and CAS support?

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm just messing around with the current release of ALiVE, and got the itch to add an RHS A-10 in two of my missions (thanks to that neat video AuTigerGrad posted), and in both instances, the plane will take the CAS orders, start his engine, but never take off.

    So I decided to make a simple test, CBA, ALiVE and RHS (US and Rus) on Stratis only, and placing a vanilla plane and an RHS plane and seeing what was happening, and the results are, well, odd.

    In my test the RHS plane actually does take off, but just circles around the base. The vanilla plane moves, but never leaves the ground (which I find odd, because in my actual missions the planes won't even move so not sure what's going on there).

    Anyway, even in this test, the results look wrong with both vanilla and RHS A-10's, though note, to simplify this, the runway is enormous and I gave each plane one end of it (not sure if they need the ENTIRE thing or not TBH). I think the ammo I was using for both was GBU-12 if that matters and they were sent on a single attack order. I'm thinking there is an issue, but would like someone to take a peak before I open a ticket. I don't use planes much so am not sure if I'm missing something with vehicle placement, needing to laser a target or something and not just give them a general area, or a really simple step to get this to work. But just calling them on an attack from a runway is showing head-scratching results.


  2. Planes not taking off has been fixed like a couple of hours before. The module places down an invisible helipad which for some reason block the plane from taking off. Wonder how it will affect the other issues.

  3. How does the aircraft know how to get to the runway from the hanger/parking area, and how does it know which direction to take off?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Missionmaker defines that, Arma handles it.


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