I've been playing around with and am trying to tweak a few of the ALiVE features just trying to get a solid idea for the direction I wanted to head in, after having a few problems with my first attempts I decided to really sit down and study the wiki, and get a feel for as many elements as I can before committing to an idea. A couple of ideas came to me and in my reading I haven't been able to find some of the information I wanted to tweak a bit more.
I love the multi-spawn insertion option, I feel it really adds a touch to the realism element that I've not been able to find in any other respawn options I've used prior to ALiVE, but I was wondering if there is anyway to edit which helo is used for the insertion and/or customize it's inventory?
Upon digging a bit deeper I found two functions for which I've not been able to find a whole lot of documentation, `["MyCustomVariable",_value] call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceSave;` and `_value = "MyCustomVariable" call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceLoad;`. I was wondering if anyone could give me an example of how these can be used. These interest me for three reasons, I'm wondering if this would allow me to save two scripts that would essentially function as an "on" and "off", and then save that status so that in a persistent mission if the variable were saved while in the "off" position, when resuming a mission the game would recognize that it should be "off" and immediately execute that script as opposed to having to complete that objective again to have its effect.
The other thing I hoped was that perhaps these two commands could allow for me to add certain items into persistence. Primarily one thing I wanted to capture in a scenario was solid use of player made mine fields, and the importance of placing and marking them carefully. I've not been able to really capture the use of a player minefield previously as without persistence the field gets cleared at restart with only a minimal chance of having been effective especially considering the amount of time it takes a player to set up a minefield properly.
Finally I've been trying to find a way to add one of the Advanced ALiVE markers via script. Probably a sitrep or spotrep or something similar as a way to create some of my objectives. For instance I was hoping to add some custom placed intel objects that I could have interacted and then that intel on the map for custom side objectives to a mission. I feel this could create a much more organic feeling then having hard set mission objectives with pop up's and 3d icons, and allow players to determine if this is an objective that warrants pursuing currently or perhaps handling at a later time potentially after a save and restart. Could these commands potentially be used to save say 3 states to a variable, instead of just on/off but something like states of hasn't been found yet, has been found but not completed and has been found and completed.
If anyone has any advice, or could point me towards some similar concepts in scripts/missions/or posts that I may have missed that I could dig through and try to understand these a bit better I would be very appreciative.