Server save and exit not working

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    So when im in the mission itself, player state saves but as soon as the server restarts everything disappears and nothing is saved.

  3. Everything of importance saves. Player position (though NOT grouped AI). Virtual profile positions. Force Pool. Objective state. CQB status. Stuff like this.

    What isn’t saving? Just want to make sure your expectations are in check with how the systems are designed to work.

  4. Deleted 7 years ago by M.Shifty
  5. Confirmed not working, yep the main thing we were looking for was the player persistence (position saving, gear etc.)

    Latest RPT using your mission

  6. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hey for future reference, when running a test like this, please run the bare minimum of mods required.

    In any event, assuming this was my mission as is, that doesn’t appear to be the problem. At least to me @marceldev89 you agree?

    Looks to me the server is still trying to connect to the DB, which you can see written in the rpt. Weird! Marceldev89 theorized privately with me earlier that ArmaHosts might not support profile saving and looking at the rpt, I agree.

    This doesn’t appear to be an issue on you’re end, but one with your server provider. Let me elevate this and someone will be back in touch in the thread here.

  7. Awesome thanks man, I also reached out to armahosts see if there was anything Justin could do on his end, I believe hes running some tests. Thanks for the help!

  8. Sweet keep us posted! I’m not an expert on reading these rpt’s (far from it), but I think we’re on the right track here. Finger’s crossed.

  9. Tupolov

    16 Feb 2018 Administrator

    Looks like its saving and loading data fine. The RPT shows data loading, are you sure you've setup player options correctly?

  10. Update: The Armahosts team has been working on it, they found that the cfg was pulling from one in %appdata% instead of the one in the root directory. Applied the fix but markers and player position are not working. Time did work however after I hopped into zeus and used skip time. It started up at the correct time but deleted the markers and moved the player back to the original starting point.

    As for the player options, this is using HeroesandvillainsOS' kindly provided mission template so I think it should be all set?

    Here is the latest RPT from this test run for your review.

    Thanks again for the help guys

  11. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ok I just double checked the mission to be 100% sure. The rpt is saying I have CQB and OPCOM (etc) saving set to false, for example, but everything everywhere is set to persist. Player Options is set as well. I have no clue. It’s definitely not the mission. We’ll need to wait on the experts here I think @Tupolov @marceldev89

    Also I see some ACE errors in that rpt which is odd, seeing as you’re not running ACE now. Assuming you loaded a save from when ACE was loaded at the time of save? No biggie, just curious.

    Also of note is some odd error spam (/ is not a value), but really IMO nothing stands out in the rpt aside from the “false” stuff.

    Oh, there’s no need to run @aliveserver for local saving but again I highly doubt that’s the issue. Thanks for being patient.

  12. I've checked the RPT and everything seems to be working just fine. Advanced markers and player data are definitely in there. Try running it without @aliveserver loaded, perhaps it's conflicting with something if War Room is disabled.

  13. So I went back tried it and confirmed, the profiles for the player are not saving when using the mission template from Heroes and Villains.

    It seems like the persistence is working somewhat since the time change saved correctly and is persistent across reloads. I was also doing testing with my units modpack and it produced the same result as when I tested with just alive spyder and cba. Should note that with both tests I did remove the aliveserver. Ill post the

    In the RPT, the profiles don't show up in the profiles per side area despite the player having already used the player exit. Not too sure what could be causing this, I'm working on getting one of the spare computers around the house setup into a dedicated server to see if the issue is host side. Will update once that's complete. Thanks!

    RPT incase you guys wanted to see it:

  14. At this stage probably best to wait for @Tupolov or @marceldev89

    Just to be clear, you are using “server save and exit” as a logged in admin when exiting the mission, correct? That’s how you save your overall progress. Not “player exit.”

  15. I've got no clue, the RPT indicates that everything is working fine. :(

    Maybe try resetting all the persistence stuff (and make sure @aliveserver isn't loaded once you've done this) using one of these:

    Manually clear data from the ProfileNameSpace when running Local persistence using the following commands. Be sure to use Server Exec if running on a dedicated server.

    call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceClear  //removes current mission data only
    call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceWipe  //removes all mission data completely
  16. @HeroesandvillainsOS yep so my method is to hit player exit first so it saves the player. Then I go back in and hit server save and exit

    @marceldev I attempted to run it on another dedicated server (hosted on another pc in my house). The location of placed vehicles and time of day save properly, but the player position and loadout does not. I went through the mission that Heroes made and the player options looked all correct. The RPT is below but yeah the RPT indicates everything is saving find except player profiles but even that I'm not sure.

    It seems like everything is working but when we go back and test it the player persistence didn't work at all.

    Test Environment RPT

  17. ontop of that, how do I run those commands? I tried throwing it in the debug console but it didnt seem to do anything.

    I'm also not sure how to reset the persistence using those commands on the armahosts server either

  18. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    yep so my method is to hit player exit first so it saves the player. Then I go back in and hit server save and exit

    Don’t do that. As admin your player data will save using server save and exit. Player in this case is for your your non-Admin friends that join your server. The way I understand it is, your buddies hit player exit to save their state. Everyone but you is logs out first. You then hit server save and exit to save your progress and the mission progress.

    If playing alone never use player exit. Use server save and exit only. Try this and report back.

    NOTE: If the server is running the mission after everyone exits in a perpetual state (like a 24/7 server anyone can join at any time), and you want to keep the mission running even if you as Admin has to exit the server, I’m honestly not sure what you’d click. ALiVE has a feature that will allow the mission to “pause” when no players are detected on the server but the mission is still running, which is set in one of the modules. @marceldev89 ?

    Anyway, for this purpose testing saving mission state, use server save and exit only and see if it finally saves.

    For the commands you won’t visually notice anything. If on a server not local hosted, hit server exec. If local hosted or in SP (or even the editor) hit local exec. I’ve never personally tried server exec because I always host onmy own PC but it should work that way.

  19. @M.Shifty @marceldev I attempted to run it on another dedicated server (hosted on another pc in my house). The location of placed vehicles and time of day save properly, but the player position and loadout does not. I went through the mission that Heroes made and the player options looked all correct. The RPT is below but yeah the RPT indicates everything is saving find except player profiles but even that I'm not sure.

    It seems like everything is working but when we go back and test it the player persistence didn't work at all.

    Test Environment RPT

    The RPT is showing that player data is being saved and loaded. I really have no clue if there's something failing and if so, what would be failing. It's been quite a while since sys_player had meaningful changes and so far you're the only one reporting this issue.

    @M.Shifty ontop of that, how do I run those commands? I tried throwing it in the debug console but it didnt seem to do anything.

    I'm also not sure how to reset the persistence using those commands on the armahosts server either

    You put 1 of those commands in the debug console and hit the "server exec" button. I don't think those scripts give any feedback but if you don't get an error it probably worked. ^^

    @HeroesandvillainsOS a perpetual mission doesn't do any ALiVE persistence by default, you need to hit that button. You can call the saving function manually to save, I think.

  20. Update:
    @HeroesandvillainsOS I found your By the sword mission on Clafghan for RHS. Confirmed its working with persistence and all. I'll look into the other missions and see what could potentially be going. I have been using your method of just hitting server save and exit, it works perfectly. Do you think the autosave feature would work? If so how would I go about implementing that.

    Thanks again for the support guys.

  21. Check and search for autosave. Glad it finally started working. :)

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