Hi all! So, I'm editing my ALiVE scenario, which is meant to be played between specific game sessions, meaning it will be a 24/7 scenario on my server. Now, I'm 99.9% percent sure I've seen somewhere (I HAVE NO GOD DAMN IDEA WHERE I SAW IT) an option to pause the simulation of the AI when everyone quits (while having persistent = 1; in server.cfg, so that the mission won't shut down, but the AI is put on hold). The reason I want it is because, as far as I know, only a logged in admin can save ALiVE progress while quitting the mission (so if it shuts down automatically with persistent = 0; it won't save and if I leave persistent = 1; without pausing the AI simulation the war will continue without players on the server). Any idea where I've seen those options? There were like 3 of them, split between AI simulation and some other simulation (?) or something like that. Obviously they might not have been ALiVE options after all, but I'm sure I've seen them somewhere.