Collaborative Mission Development

  1. 5 years ago

    This could be fun, I would like to toss some PBO's around with you guys and see if we can come up with a really nice mission to bring in 2020 on the warroom. I am willing to provide fluffers and drum and bass for the final party, as well as an arma server for the mission enjoyment by those involved!

  2. @diveyez I AM IN!!! Although I am not really good mission maker and pretty new to ALiVE but I want to participate in your project in any way I can!

  3. Dont stress it, I make them every week, 2-3 times a week with alive for my Milsim. Which just had a platoon end, so I have plenty of time to mod, and make workshop scenarios.

    Discord: Diveyez#1878

    I will teach you some stuff.

  4. Edited 5 years ago by arismagic

    AWESOME... For some reason, I can't send you a friend request on Discord... My Discord is: A. Ares#3160

    EDITED... Probably the spelling was wrong as the first letter was capital!

  5. I'd be excited to contribute if there is planning in the works.

  6. Color me interested YonV#9888

  7. You looking for a group to run your missions on?


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