How to get enemy markers on the map

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi community,

    does someone know what i have to do that i can see reported enemy markers on the map.

    When i use the alive tablet and asked for marked units i only see the BLUFOR units and their moving direction. Is it possible to show every spotted enemy group?

  2. Marking Units (under admin actions) should show all units on the map regardless of side.. even civilians.

    Through the tablet you will only see friendly units and known enemy positions within a certain (configurable) radius. The enemy intel will also fade over time.

  3. But when i use "Admin Action" "Activated Marked Units" it never mark all units, just the ones who arent to far away, if i use the tablet every unit from my side is marked. But this happens only in the mp, if i do the same in my editor it works like intended. I m not sure about that but it seems like in the mp the alive dont use the unmarked units, i have tp to their base and back to mine, after that he start to attack.

  4. "Activate Marked Units" only shows units that are actually spawned in the game - so the ones farther away (which are virtual units) do not show up. The default spawn range is 1500m and can be adjusted in the Virtual AI module.

  5. ah ok thx my mistake, i thought it even means virtual units. Does this mean they (OPFOR) will get never help from their military base if the base is smth like 3k m away from the area we are fighting? (if spawn range is 1500)
    and thank you very much for your help : )

  6. These are great questions! I'm curious to know the answer too!

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It depends really, if you are fighting over an objective, the chance of seeing enemy reinforcements is very high. It also depends on the size/importance of an objective. If you are just out in the middle of nowhere, it's still possible to see enemies reinforcing each other but, it's less likely especially if enemy forces are stretched thin already.

  8. ok, but this means it work like i thought it should work, which is nice ; )

  9. and my next question.

    i cant use the "group manager" menu, everything else from the c2istar works now. But when i open "commander menu" and "personnel" it opens a window but the window is empty. Group manager is activated in the editor.
    I also tried a template from the forum and reinstalled alive and deactivated every other mod but still same problem.
    Also the mod asr-ai-a3 has a function that every squad with 2 or less soldiers left, join the next other squad.

    This option also dont work anymore, maybe the 1.54 update from arma fucked something up with group managing mods. But i dont no anything about modding.

    Has someone a idea how to fix this? Because its stupid to call in troops with the logistic module, when i cant add them to my group. Does someone maybe know a mod who make this possible?

  10. @SavageCDN [...]Through the tablet you will only see friendly units and known enemy positions within a certain (configurable) radius. The enemy intel will also fade over time.

    This has never been my experience. When this intel radius is enabled in my mission, it is always visible on the map, it is not restricted to the intel tablet (I'd love it if it was).

  11. You could use the command option on the alive tablet to edit the logistics' groups waypoints, for example if you want them to hold a certain area or move with you to clear a new area. Not quite adding them to your group but at least you have some control over them.

  12. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What do you guys think would be a good intel setting for a full map conventional battle, where I want to "feel" like my player character is the right hand man of the Military Commander. Ideally I'd like some enemy locations marked.

    I know in an Assymetric, which is what I usually make, I generally set Intel to low map coverage and have it set to just show my side (which does show the occasional installation and green question marks).

    Using this setting in a conventional seems to mark some friendly objectives but I'm not really seeing any known enemy positions or objectives (though perhaps it does show and fades away before I see it?).

    Would setting it to show both sides be kind of like cheating? Basically what I'm looking for is, I'd like to see most or all of my side's objectives by default, and also most or any time my side spots enemy movements/objectives (but only if my side spots them).

    What's the best intel settings for that?

  13. I would give "Full" Intel coverage a try. This should give you some good intel on enemy movements. It will also help you with friendly movements but there is also the intel tablet for that. Next update you'll see more of those KIA markers as well (and maybe combat indicators in intel tablet) which should help you decide where to shift your focus to.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Cool! That sounds perfect. But I should still limit it to my side or faction for this, correct?

  15. Yeah I personally prefer to always limit the intel/operations tablet to my side/faction otherwise you're just being fed straight/flawless info.

  16. That's what I'm looking to avoid. I want intelligence, not a cheat sheet. Thanks for the help Spyder.


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