Mission Templates

  1. 9 years ago

    hey spyder - just spent a few hours playing template 1 - great stuff. I attempted using the HALO insertion many times which works, however in single player and multiplayer my squad does not teleport to me once i land.

  2. First, glad the templates are helping you.

    And to answer your question, I have done a mission like that before but don't really have a vanilla template ready.. I'll start on one tomorrow.

    Performance will obviously depend on your computer but in the end, Altis is a massive island and to properly populate it will be taxing. Arma update 1.44 has significantly improved MP performance so I actually really want to revisit this concept.

    As for one commander being too strong, I guess I'll see for myself what's going on when I make the template. My first guess would be to force a certain amount of groups per side to even it out so one side doesn't get too many armor/mechanized groups.

    If all goes well maybe I can have template for this up tomorrow, for now im off to bed.. school in 5 hours :(

  3. Ah, I see. A bit annoying that it takes way too long for objectives to be given (Sat around for literally 20-30 minutes and nothing happened) but hoping that the changes that are planned for a post 1.0 update will make them a bit more active. Having them react to user generated tasks sounds like exactly the thing to do it.

  4. just burned through ~3 hours making Insurgency ALiVE Stratis.

  5. 8 years ago

    Thank you so much for these templates, I have spent hundreds of hours trying to master mission making with Alive and just one of your missions has shown me more than I learned over all that time. These missions are so good. Love the insurgency one. Keep up the good work man!

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ha! Yeah I don't think any mistakes I made will kill everyone on mission start so I guess I can feel good about that. What I think I'll do is let the mission breathe here and in the ALiVE thread for a day or two before actually posting it in the User Mission area on BIS. But before doing that I should probably have a "name" for it. Any ideas are welcome. How does Operation Shitshow sound? :)

    I'd love for you to try it Savage! That would mean a lot. I think it's actually pretty decent and polished (famous last words). And fun! I've been messing with making this for I'd say around 50 + hours or so. Any feedback would be great. The documentation on ALiVE is a little loose so I'm sure I made some obvious missteps.

    Any impressions at all would be fantastic. Thanks for all the help.

  7. 5 years ago

    I hate to bump a thread but are there any mission templates that are updated to work with the newest version of Alive?

    I'm personally looking for a single player scenario on Tanoa where NATO, CSAT, "the syndicate" and "friendly guerrillas" are duking it out. I want to be allied with NATO and the friendly guerrillas.

    Alive is a really amazing system but as a non-military/non-commanding type, the interface is a little mood breaking since you can play a commanding role while ALSO being a foot soldier.

    Having a mission where it's not needed, for me, would be a large bonus.

  8. @hardly I hate to bump a thread but are there any mission templates that are updated to work with the newest version of Alive?

    I'm personally looking for a single player scenario on Tanoa where NATO, CSAT, "the syndicate" and "friendly guerrillas" are duking it out. I want to be allied with NATO and the friendly guerrillas.

    Alive is a really amazing system but as a non-military/non-commanding type, the interface is a little mood breaking since you can play a commanding role while ALSO being a foot soldier.

    Having a mission where it's not needed, for me, would be a large bonus.

    You can use this as a template: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=965794580

    However you’ll need to edit it to get exactly what you want because here we have IND and CSAT both as enemies to you (BLU). Mission PBO is linked on the page.