Missed your comment, sorry for the late reply.
In your init.sqf you must call an external script or function:
execVM "staticData.sqf";
Inside the root of your mission folder, create a file named "staticData.sqf". Inside that file, write this:
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_civilianFaction = "LOP_TAK_Civ";
_weapons = [["rhs_weap_akms","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm"],["rhs_weap_akm","rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm"]];
[ALIVE_civilianWeapons, _civilianFaction, _weapons] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
is a string of the faction name that you used in your ALiVE Civilian Placement modules
is an array of possible weapons that civilians might pick up from a weapons depot (asymm) or by being given a rogue command. The array consists of sub arrays of [weapon classname,compatible ammo classname]. With three possible weapons, it would look like
You can do some really neat things with this like detecting different addons and using weapons from them accordingly (although it's a bit more advanced), here is a snippet from a file I use in my mission.
A quick and easy way to get a weapon classname, and it's compatible ammo is this: Make a simple mission in the editor and open the BIS Arsenal. Select your preferred weapon and make sure it has some ammo that will work for that weapon. Pause the game and enter the following code in the debug console:
copyToClipboard str primaryWeapon player
//-- Copies your weapon classname to your clipboard
copyToClipboard str ((primaryWeapon player) select 0)
//-- Copies your weapon's ammo classname to your clipboard