I haven't tried it yet. Honestly, with BIS breaking triggers (not that there are triggers here, just saying) and some sounds and whatnot I see no sense in me banging my head against a wall trying to figure it out until they update us. Not only that, but FATA has notorious sound issues as well (I'm honestly surprised you can even play it with CUP. ASCZ map fixes as far as I know isn't compatible with CUP so I have no clue how you have any sounds on the map at all).
But no, my setup still doesn't appear to be working. I didn't do anything fancy. I defined it in the description.ext according to the Readme, put the init.sqf line on the top of my init.sqf, put the sounds folder in my mission root, and placed 11 "empty" (under "strategy," then "empty") markers on the map...which do spawn loud speakers, naming them CTP1, CTP2, etc.
If the next patch doesn't fix it I'll download CUP again and test your template.
Thanks for checking in man.