Bad object type as installation

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    For Insurgents Installations (IED factory , Requirement HQ, Weapon Depot ) are being selected objects like street lamps , barrels and fireplaces . Is there any way to blacklist such objects? When i blew up the nearest building the objective stays active. Need to blew up the lamp for make the objective disappear from the installation markers.. The real problem appear, when the objects is as fireplace or barrel which cant be destroyed. Please help me on this

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What map is this happening on? We're talking about C2ISTAR, correct?

    I tested this awhile back and shared some rpts. Ajay said he fixed the lamp issue on Altis so I had hoped it would carry over to the A2 maps.

  3. Takistan map.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah it's probably just a legacy issue with ALiVE's C2ISTAR and A2 maps. I'm not sure if Ajay is still working on this, but sharing your rpt file from the time of the installation error couldn't hurt.

  5. It's because A2 streetlights are classed as buildings..

  6. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    There no errors. Its simply pick up a street lamps and other weird objects as building. Spyder you are right.
    cursorObject isKindoF "house" or cursorObject isKindoF "building" on them returning true .

    The goal is how to blacklist them?

  7. highhead

    3 Apr 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by highhead

    will find a fix for that, and i think its because they are classified as houses

  8. Obviously these are ISIS streetlights and should be treated accordingly.

  9. Friznit

    4 Apr 2016 Administrator

    In some countries, people live in Street lights. They are very small but still very dangerous. 100% true.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Well i assume there are no possibility to blacklist that objects by staticData or whatever. I need to blew up the whole place. I have created script that blew up all "houses" in range 20m. But when f.e. object is a "grave" (which is happen once) it cant be destroyed. Is there any other possibility to send notify to players when installation objects are destroyed and removed from OPCOM_instances? Are there such event handler or something what could be used in easiest way that the script does??

    private ["_insIEDfactory", "_insRHQ", "_insweaponsdepot", "_assymetricFaction", "_choose", "_OPCOM_HANDLER", "_objectives", "_objective", "_factory", "_HQ", "_depot", "_position", "_markerF", "_EHExploIdxF", "_markerR", "_EHExploIdxR", "_markerW", "_EHExploIdxW"];
    _insIEDfactory = [];
    _insRHQ = [];
    _insweaponsdepot = [];
    _assymetricFaction = "OPF_MTI_F";
    if (_assymetricFaction in (((OPCOM_instances select 0) select 2) select 1)) then {
    	_choose = 0;
    	_choose = 1;
    _OPCOM_HANDLER = OPCOM_instances select _choose;
        _objectives = [_OPCOM_HANDLER,"objectives",[]] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;
            _objective = _x;
    			_factory = [_OPCOM_HANDLER,"convertObject",[_objective,"factory",[]] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
    			_insIEDfactory pushback _factory;
    			_HQ = [_OPCOM_HANDLER,"convertObject",[_objective,"HQ",[]] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
    			_insRHQ pushback _HQ;
    			_depot = [_OPCOM_HANDLER,"convertObject",[_objective,"depot",[]] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
    			_insweaponsdepot pushback _depot;
    	} foreach _objectives;
    _insIEDfactory = _insIEDfactory - [objNull];
    _insRHQ = _insRHQ - [objNull];
    _insweaponsdepot = _insweaponsdepot - [objNull];
    	if (isnil {_x getVariable "EHExploIdxF"}) then {
    		if (_x isKindOf "house" || _x isKindOf "building") then {
    			_position = getpos _x;
    			_markerF = createMarkerLocal [format ["%1_factory_%2_%3", floor(random 100000), floor(random 100000), _forEachIndex + 1], _position];
    			_markerF setMarkerSizeLocal [300, 300];
    			_markerF setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";
    			_x setVariable ["factory_marker",_markerF,false];
    			_EHExploIdxF = _x addEventHandler ["Explosion",{
    				params ["_object", "_nearBuildings", "_trashes", "_oamarker", "_bomb", "_EHid"];
    				_nearBuildings = nearestObjects [_object, ["house","building"], 20];
    				_trashes = nearestObjects [_object, ["ALIVE_IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo", "ALIVE_IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo", "Land_RattanTable_01_F", "Fridge_01_open_F", "Land_WaterCooler_01_new_F", "Land_MapBoard_F"], 25];
    				_oamarker = (_object getVariable "factory_marker");
    				_EHid = _object getVariable "EHExploIdxF";
    				_object removeEventHandler ["Explosion", _EHid];
    				_object setVariable ["EHExploIdxF",nil ,false];
    				_bomb = createVehicle ["Bo_Mk82",[getPos _object select 0, getPos _object select 1,0],[], 0, 'FLY'];
    				[_bomb,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
    				_bomb setVelocity [0, 0, -80];
    				{_x setDamage 1;} foreach _nearBuildings;
    				{deleteVehicle _x;} foreach _trashes;
    				[_oamarker, "IEDfactoryDestroyed", "IED factory"] call INS_fnc_sendNotif;
    					if (!isnull _x) then {
    						if (alive _x) then {
    							deleteVehicle _x;
    				} foreach _nearBuildings;
    			_x setVariable ["EHExploIdxF",_EHExploIdxF,false];
    } forEach _insIEDfactory;
    	if (isnil {_x getVariable "EHExploIdxR"}) then {
    		if (_x isKindOf "house" || _x isKindOf "building") then {
    			_position = getpos _x;
    			_markerR = createMarkerLocal [format ["%1_rhq_%2_%3", floor(random 100000), floor(random 100000), _forEachIndex + 1], _position];
    			_markerR setMarkerSizeLocal [300, 300];
    			_markerR setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";
    			_x setVariable ["rhq_marker",_markerR,false];
    			_EHExploIdxR = _x addEventHandler ["Explosion",{
    				params ["_object", "_nearBuildings", "_trashes", "_oamarker", "_bomb", "_EHid"];
    				_nearBuildings = nearestObjects [_object, ["house","building"], 20];
    				_trashes = nearestObjects [_object, ["ALIVE_IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo", "ALIVE_IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo", "Land_RattanTable_01_F", "Fridge_01_open_F", "Land_WaterCooler_01_new_F", "Land_MapBoard_F"], 25];
    				_oamarker = (_object getVariable "rhq_marker");
    				_EHid = _object getVariable "EHExploIdxR";
    				_object removeEventHandler ["Explosion", _EHid];
    				_object setVariable ["EHExploIdxR",nil ,false];
    				_bomb = createVehicle ["Bo_Mk82",[getPos _object select 0, getPos _object select 1,0],[], 0, 'FLY'];
    				[_bomb,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
    				_bomb setVelocity [0, 0, -80];
    				{_x setDamage 1;} foreach _nearBuildings;
    				{deleteVehicle _x;} foreach _trashes;
    				[_oamarker, "RecruitmentHQdestroyed", "Recruitment HQ"] call INS_fnc_sendNotif;
    					if (!isnull _x) then {
    						if (alive _x) then {
    							deleteVehicle _x;
    				} foreach _nearBuildings;
    			_x setVariable ["EHExploIdxR",_EHExploIdxR,false];
    } forEach _insRHQ;
    	if (isnil {_x getVariable "EHExploIdxW"}) then {
    		if (_x isKindOf "house" || _x isKindOf "building") then {
    			_position = getpos _x;
    			_markerW = createMarkerLocal [format ["%1_wpd_%2_%3", floor(random 100000), floor(random 100000), _forEachIndex + 1], _position];
    			_markerW setMarkerSizeLocal [300, 300];
    			_markerW setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE";
    			_x setVariable ["wpd_marker",_markerW,false];
    			_EHExploIdxW = _x addEventHandler ["Explosion",{
    				params ["_object", "_nearBuildings", "_trashes", "_oamarker", "_bomb", "_EHid"];
    				_nearBuildings = nearestObjects [_object, ["house","building"], 20];
    				_trashes = nearestObjects [_object, ["ALIVE_IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo", "ALIVE_IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo", "Land_RattanTable_01_F", "Fridge_01_open_F", "Land_WaterCooler_01_new_F", "Land_MapBoard_F"], 25];
    				_oamarker = (_object getVariable "wpd_marker");
    				_EHid = _object getVariable "EHExploIdxW";
    				_object removeEventHandler ["Explosion", _EHid];
    				_object setVariable ["EHExploIdxW",nil ,false];
    				_bomb = createVehicle ["Bo_Mk82",[getPos _object select 0, getPos _object select 1,0],[], 0, 'FLY'];
    				[_bomb,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
    				_bomb setVelocity [0, 0, -80];
    				{_x setDamage 1;} foreach _nearBuildings;
    				{deleteVehicle _x;} foreach _trashes;
    				[_oamarker, "Weaponsdepotdestroyed", "Weapons depot"] call INS_fnc_sendNotif;
    					if (!isnull _x) then {
    						if (alive _x) then {
    							deleteVehicle _x;
    				} foreach _nearBuildings;
    			_x setVariable ["EHExploIdxW",_EHExploIdxW,false];
    } forEach _insweaponsdepot;
  11. highhead

    4 Apr 2016 Administrator

    using CUP terrains here, F.e. Takistan works fine. The problem with old A2 maps (before OA) in general is, that there are no walkable buildings with indoor positions.

  12. Well weird i am using CUP terrains too. And Takistan is not working fine. There always some installations as road lights, fireplaces, graves, sheds, and others.

  13. The insurgents are adapting...

  14. Machine learning - ALiVE edition

  15. Road lights, fireplaces, graves and sheds have all been added to the no-fly list according to the TSA.

  16. @incontinenetia The insurgents are adapting...

    @SpyderBlack723 Machine learning - ALiVE edition

    Please let the issue in! ;)
    I will set up a environment with only spectater slots, and let it "Alive" for 12month.
    To observer this adapting like ants in a glass build towns....


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