Display Map Intel: Working on dedicated servers?

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    It was friggin hot this morning, and I had to come straight to work ;)
    I'll be off part of the weekend and get to checking it out. I have some more missions in planning stages for my unit.
    So far they've kicked the crap out of ISTS in an Insurgency for a couple weeks, and are currently winning against some AIF forces that moved into the region.
    I'll mess with it and see if they notice anything on the server. 20 pair of eyes are better than one.

  3. Sounds fun. :)

    I'm basically just looking for confirmation that it works in the SP editor but isn't on a server. That's what happening to me. So basically, if you have Intel on and don't currently see it when playing with your buddies, when you get a sec just pop into the editor and see if it works there. You should know the answer within a couple minutes. That would be awesome if you find any spare time.

  4. OK, so through the wonders of modern technology (VPN and Teamviewer) I was able to load up my map in SP on my home system and look at it.
    After loading I did notice a low amount of Intel showing (Occupied markers and a couple area grid markers). So it is working in SP.

    I do remember some markers like that showing in MP, and when I asked my unit members, they remember some of the Occupied markers showing, along with KIA markers coming up occasionally for units wiped out in a certain radius of the players.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Cool. Next time you guys get on can you take a look? I'm specifically referring to the Intel that's set up in the C2ISTAR module under dispay Intel that generates for Assymetric missions. IE, IED/Weapons caches, etc. They're the same things you'd get while interrogating civs.

    Occupied markers for me show up in the tablet under the Intel section. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about the markers that show up on the actual map automatically. That kind of intel is not working for me on a server.

  6. We're not running an Insurgency right now, I'd have to dig that mission up and load it just to look.
    I actually think I had Intel turned off for my players in the Insurgency phase, such that they had to go out and pound the pavement themselves and generate their own Intel.

    We have moved from an Insurgency to full on warfare as AIF forces moved in from other parts of the country in force.

    I'll check the Insurgency version and get back to you.

  7. Yeah no hurry. Just me and you in this thread apparently. :)

    I guess I could set up a vanilla test mission too. I'll probably just do that as these open ended question threads don't get a lot of play which is understandable. So no worries man. When I get a chance I'll confirm it one way or the other. I appreciate you taking a look as much as you have so far.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by ski2060

    So, I finally managed to get around to checking my Insurgency mission with Intel actually turned ON and display set to medium.
    Single Player Editor, turned it on and let it load up on machine.

    After spawning in and letting it run for a couple of minutes, I checked the Intel tab for Commander Objectives.
    Aside from the BluFor occupied areas showing, I had 4 yellow question mark in a box Icons, with red INSTALLATION next to them show up on the map. I had not seen those before in my missions, but that was probably because I did not have Intel set to ON.

    I assume this is in the Intel you were talking about.

    Now that I know what I'm looking for, I guess I can upload that version to the server real fast and see if it is actually working in a Dedicated Server environment.

  9. I think the installations that you're seeing is probably the same info I was asking about in the first post. I currently have it set in the C2ISTAR module to display Intel on the map automatically, with a low amount of OPFOR Intel. The way I have it set up, I don't need to even touch the commander tablet. It shows up on the actual in-game map itself once friendly units discover the installations/etc. Except it only shows up in SP.

  10. Ok, just tested on my server, live. Found some installations on OpCom, TAsked some BluFor units to search the area after air-dropping them in. I had them move through the whole town while watching in Zeus to make sure they walked by the buildings with Installations in them.

    I had nothing show up on my map with any Intel indicating the BluFor units discovered those Installations, nor engaged in a firefight with the OpFor units that were in the vicinity. :(

  11. Bringing this topic back up as I'm experiencing the same issues.

    Would love to have intel in my asymmetric missions just to have a bit more of a sense of focus for the guys who are newer and put off by not having clear objectives.

    As mentioned in the earlier posts, when I test the mission in the editor I see intel as expected. In multiplayer on a dedicated server, I see intel when the map first starts, but it fades and doesn't come back.

    I'm using medium intel on 2 minute intervals.

  12. Fading out and not coming back is the way the feature is designed. New Intel should however reappear as the mission progresses and your forces find more.

  13. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Yeah, I waited around with the map open for quite some time and didn't see anything reappear. I'm not sure if the timer means that the info will refresh every two minutes (which is what I'm assuming) or that it appears briefly every two minutes.

    I'm also not sure if I'm supposed to only be able to see intel in the commander's tablet.

  14. It doesn't reappear on interval, there is a % chance for intel to appear as events occur in the world.

  15. Yeah reappear was a bad choice of words on my part. What I meant by that is the Intel displays and fades. Over time, as your troops find more, new Intel will appear and fade away (rinse repeat).

  16. Was referring to the comment above mine

  17. Yeah I know. I think I confused him when I said "reappear" which led him to think the previously discovered Intel would come back. I should have phrase it better.

  18. Ok, just tested in editor. When the map starts we'll see quite a few installations marked, even in places where no BLUFOR units are present. Once they fade, they're never replaced.

    I've recorded a video of this to show the entire story.

  19. Just wanted to see if anyone had a chance to review the video and see if they could make any sense of it

  20. Same thing happens to me and I'm pretty sure it's intended. We just mark the points of interest as they appear so they don't go away.

  21. I think his point is after the 'initial reveal', no more will ever appear. Which honestly, this video is too short for.

    But yeah, I generally just mark them all and find more by discovering Intel and talking to civs. I know more used to reveal but I can't say I've looked at this specifically recently. I'll keep an eye out but this video isn't long enough to determine anything one way or the other I don't think.

    I also have to wonder if behind the scenes there's a saturation point that would keep OPCOM from establishing installations when the player isn't actually playing and OPCOM has plenty in the areas they hold. I mean, I can't see why they'd establish more and more and more if the ones they have aren't being challenged but a dev would definitely need to elaborate on how it's coded.


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