ORBAT Creator General FAQ

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I won't have much time in the coming days, but I can try to get a glimpse.

    I appreciate you thinking it was your tool, but probably not man.

    I tried very hard to make it unbreakable, so if you broke it, I failed :\

  2. Evening @SpyderBlack723

    When you get a few can you take a look at mine and heroes conversation in this thread from a few days back? I'm curious about some of the actual answers to the things we were throwing around. specifically vanilla mp campaign persistence. Thx!

  3. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It's already in the dl I posted days ago.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Then Yes. I've put in at least 6-8 hours each day for the last 3 days into this so please test the latest version as things have improved a lot. Everything should work just fine.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by ToTo

    I have the same problem as dev614, with the same error message. The first time, I rebuilt my faction from scratch and could not export the result... Rather frustrating. Latest version changed nothing. I only have CBA, Alive and RHS active...

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Nichols

    On a different note...Spyder; I was wondering earlier today if there was a plan to simplify the output of factions or the ability to save your work in order to resume it without having to reload all the previous stuff. Similarly to how we can save a mission file and reload it to work in it without starting over from scratch. I have gotten very good at reloading and typing faction names and classnames in the last few days but honestly don't have as much time now due to work and would love to get some game time in soon.

    Thanks for the hard work and feedback on some of my other issues.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    @ToTo With the latest workshop release I get this when trying to pack :
    The quad bike is the vanilla FIA one... And he can't read config.cpp?!? Wut?

    This will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix. Stay tuned.

    @Nichols On a different note...Spyder; I was wondering earlier today if there was a plan to simplify the output of factions or the ability to save your work in order to resume it without having to reload all the previous stuff. Similarly to how we can save a mission file and reload it to work in it without starting over from scratch. I have gotten very good at reloading and typing faction names and classnames in the last few days but honestly don't have as much time now due to work and would love to get some game time in soon.

    Thanks for the hard work and feedback on some of my other issues.

    Well normally you would just put your config inside an addon, load that addon and continue working. Obviously errors in the current build can prevent a proper export under certain conditions so that's not always possible. I can't import an exported config because parsing that in SQF would be suicide, but an SQF datastructured output that can be imported (but won't be usable in any other way) in the future is possible. It takes time though and right now there is other stuff to focus on (and time is hard to come by).

  8. 6 years ago


    I ran into a massive problem when trying to use the new "write to file" option. Had to quit the game before being completely done with editing an older ORBAT faction I had made into a .pbo:

    1) Started game with all the mods that went into the old ORBAT faction plus the new mods from which I wanted to pull additional units

    2) opened a mission with the ORBAT module placed, started it and went into ORBAT GUI

    3) Chose to "Edit Faction"

    4) Made a few edits, then selected "Full Faction to file"

    5) Quitted the game

    6) Came back to the game, only to see it fail on startup with the following message: "include file bw_afg_hist\script_component.hpp not found"

    The name of my old ORBAT faction's .pbo is bw_afg_hist.pbo - but it IS ofc still present in the addons subfolder of the very same @BW_AFG_HIST folder I had used to load it up for editing it.

    Where can I find this script_component.hpp file or where can I create it? Without it, I can no longer load the game with the old ORBAT modfolder active! Always get the above mentioned error!

    THX in advance for any advice
