Static Placement For NonVanilla

  1. 6 years ago

    Its been months now since CQB added static weapons as a feature but only for vanilla. When will you guys update it so that custom factions use there own static weapons?

  2. That's something for @highhead to answer. :)

  3. 5 years ago

    Its been over 2 years now that the CQB module has came out and faction will consistently use vanilla statics instead of their own faction. When will this be resolved?

  4. Deleted 5 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  5. See , it's on the way :)

  6. We are always accepting of pull requests if you'd like to add features to ALiVE. Our issue list is not a list of things that will 100% be added. At the end of the day we are all spending our free time working on this mod for no pay, and thus the amount of time we invest will be spent accordingly.

  7. Thank you i used the github link and it works perfectly

  8. Just a quick tip if you have changes that you'd like made.
    I've found the best way is obviously to open a ticket on Github, but also to provide possible solutions.

    Eg the ticket I made for Static weapons suggested a field be added to the module which allows the mission makers to define the static weapon themselves.

    I'm not sure if they went that direction, but as in all facets of life coming with a possible solution to a problem you see is much more likely to see that problem solved than if you just point and say "that's broken".


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