Map Indexing failing (due to dewrp?)

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  2. 6 years ago

    All the files are in proper spots. It's gotta be something with DeWrp windows path. If I use the command prompt, DeWrp responds. But it just isn't getting triggered by the indexer for some reason.

  3. Did you follow the steps here and add DeWRP?

  4. I did use that. And it got DeWrp to work with the command prompt, but the map indexer does not appear to be trying to use it. I am guessing that since the indexer is going straight to generating sector data.

  5. You actually manually added the exe path then, correct? I made this mistake once, so sorry to harp on it, but make double sure.

  6. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    ^ If so, where exactly is your scripts folder placed? Where is @ALiVE placed?

  7. I have checked the exe path many times. Not sure why it would work in the command prompt and not the indexer. I even changed the DeWrp location, without changing the exe path. It wouldn't work with the command prompt, then I changed the exe path to the new location, and once again, it works with the command prompt, but alive indexer is not triggering it. I switched from the steam version of alive and went with the download from the Alive site. So that is located in the main Arma 3 folder. The scripts folder is in the documents\arma3 folder. And based off of another post I found, I also put the x folder in the mission save file next to the index sqm.

  8. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Don’t put anything in the mission folder. Putting the X folder in the mission folder is for after you successfully index a map to verify the index works, which you haven’t. Also do name the mission “Index” without the quotes (not sure if necessary but that’s what I do).

    When indexing Stratis, what’s the exact Stratis PBO path you’re using in the indexing module? Can you copy and paste that here?

    Do you have DePbo and DeOgg?

    Are you enabling -filePatching (there is a checkbox in the vanilla launcher parameters you can use)?

    Are all AV programs, including Defender, off? If so can you double check?

    Is Battleye disabled?

  9. I can't even get stratis to start indexing at all. just instant crash. tried using the addons\statis_map.pbo with an instant indexer crash. both dll's are in the dewrp file with the exe. filePatching is enabled in the checkbox. Defender was not off, I will shut that off. Battleye is disabled.

  10. Please write the entire path you’re using for the Stratis PBO just so we can make sure (assuming Defender being on wasn’t the problem).

  11. Lol that’s probably the full path. Been forever since I did a vanilla map :)

  12. Ya it says based off the arma 3 file, and the stratis_map.pbo is in the Addons folder of the base game. Just tried with defender off, tried running statis indexer, instant crash. report say "Error with deWrp" . I just noticed it is saying error with deWrp and not DeWrp...could that be something? I also tried running indexer again on tembelan, and when I first start it, I do get a couple of moments of black screen, where I am gonna guess it's trying to open the DeWrp to begin categorizing the map, but after a couple minutes it goes straight to generating sector data.

  13. I just tried the command prompt typing in first, DeWrp.exe, and I got the gui. I then redid it with the spelling of deWRP.exe and got the gui again. so it works in command prompt both ways. Not sure that it matters there.

  14. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hmm. If this is the issue, this it out of my league. @marceldev89 or @Friznit are better suited I think. I never had to rename anything.

    So you get the UI. Can you actually index a map like that or no?

  15. I did run the gui on tembalan last night, and it did generate the various sqf files, but as far as me giving input into what buildings were mil or civ or objects to blacklist, I never got anything like that to happen. Looking at the sqf files, for example, from the clusters.tembelan.civ sqf, I have 22 lines of text. Line 3 for example is as follows, ALIVE_clustersCiv = [ ] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate; I am assuming that there should be a number contained in the [ ]??? when categorization works properly?

  16. Try following the steps I posted in the second post in the thread.

  17. I did those both last night with Tembelan. Step 3 did indeed generate the sqf file. It is 292KB in size. And step 4, I am most definitely using the mikeros tools obtained from the alive map indexing wiki.

  18. Is there something I should be doing with that file, placing it somewhere specific once generated?

  19. Running #3 command prompt and save to sqf. The sqf is not hanging up at 9,987KB in size. Scrolling down to bottom of sqf file shows ["a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation\fuelstat and then nothing else. Not sure if DeWrp is still functioning or not. Not seeing any scrolling at all in the command prompt screen

  20. @cbff33 Is there something I should be doing with that file, placing it somewhere specific once generated?

    No it's just to verify that DeWrp is working.

    @cbff33 Running #3 command prompt and save to sqf. The sqf is not hanging up at 9,987KB in size. Scrolling down to bottom of sqf file shows ["a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation\fuelstat and then nothing else. Not sure if DeWrp is still functioning or not. Not seeing any scrolling at all in the command prompt screen

    DeWrp hanging is somewhat suspicious. Try doing this with Stratis first.

  21. Edited 6 years ago by cbff33

    That third step, saving to an sqf, is normally a lengthy process with no progress being shown in the command prompt? Just the blinking command prompt? Would I be right to assume that step 3 is going to be slower than step 2, where you can see the info scrolling and only takes a short time to complete? And should I be doing nothing with the computer while the command prompt and DeWrp are doing it's thing or can I keep doing other stuff on the computer during that process?

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