Visual Outline Glitch

  1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by frdm35

    Hi Team, I'm not sure what's causing this, but I've been using ALiVE for Arma 3 since 2016. I took a 6ish month break recently and dived back in. I'm big on not using too many mods and keeping things as vanilla as possible to reduce errors, I've never had any major issues with ALiVE, but these past two weeks I've had an annoying one.

    If a player in a mission I've created gets into a helicopter and switches to third person or tactical view, when they exit the helicopter there will be a persistent visual glitch. I've attached two images to show the issue. It is present night and day and will not go away. I've stripped away mods, added them back, done everything and the issue persists.

    The mission runs on a dedicated server, I'm pulling my hair out, please help. I understand this could very well be some ARMA glitch and have nothing to do with ALiVE. It looks like a band that exists around the camera. From first-person view it manifests as a weird outline crossing the sky, in tactical mode you can see it appears to be linked to the camera position.

    As a side note I want to say what a fantastic job you've done. I run a small server for myself and a friend off a spare rig I have here at home. We have a three-way war between OPF_F (1200 units) IND_F (800 units) and BLU_F (800 Units) all with full air and armored support and no horrible performance issues, even when shit is hitting the fan. I wouldn't even be playing ARMA if it wasn't for ALiVE, well done!

  2. Friznit

    25 May 2019 Administrator

    That could be Zeus related - the no Zeus zone around players maybe?

  3. There is no Zeus in this mission, it's really thrown me.

  4. Not sure if you can get the help you need here. Can you confirm this is related to ALiVE? I’d remove it and run a test to see if it still happens. The Arma 3 Discord has some smart folks that might have some ideas for you but you need to be able to create a reliable reproduction of the issue.

  5. If this helps- I posted about this issue awhile back. This has shown up in every MP mission I've used with ALiVE- whether with a vanilla game or heavily modded game. Rejoining the server temporarily fixes it, but it still shows up every now and then.

  6. Edited 5 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @deimer If this helps- I posted about this issue awhile back. This has shown up in every MP mission I've used with ALiVE- whether with a vanilla game or heavily modded game. Rejoining the server temporarily fixes it, but it still shows up every now and then.

    Does it ever happen without ALiVE? We’ve never had a report like this (aside from you). Just trying to figure out whether ALiVE is the problem or not.

    Have you tried verifying your game files?

    Assuming you are the only player this happens to? Does this happen to players that are playing with you?

  7. @HeroesandvillainsOS Does it ever happen without ALiVE? We’ve never had a report like this (aside from you). Just trying to figure out whether ALiVE is the problem or not.

    Have you tried verifying your game files?

    Assuming you are the only player this happens to? Does this happen to players that are playing with you?

    I've never seen this happen without ALiVE, I have also verified game files.
    Other people I'm playing with have reported this as well.

  8. @deimer I've never seen this happen without ALiVE, I have also verified game files.
    Other people I'm playing with have reported this as well.

    Weird. So this is possible to reproduce with just ALiVE and CBA maybe? If you make a repro mission, and give me some steps for how to see it, I’ll see what the dev team thinks if it happens to me too.

  9. Edited 5 years ago by frdm35

    Hi team, I can confirm that this only occurs with ALiVE, in the vanilla game I can enter helicopters, switch to third person or tactical and leave the helicopter without issue.

    The "blue line" deimer is reporting is exactly what this issue looks like during the day in-game.

    I'll try a full wipe and reinstall on the server machine over the weekend and see if that corrects it.

    EDIT: I just want to clarify that I am entering a helicopter, most often a Huron, as a passenger, then switching to third-person or tactical, to reproduce this issue. I have not tried from copilot, gunner or pilot positions.

  10. Edited 5 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @frdm35 Hi team, I can confirm that this only occurs with ALiVE, in the vanilla game I can enter helicopters, switch to third person or tactical and leave the helicopter without issue.

    The "blue line" deimer is reporting is exactly what this issue looks like during the day in-game.

    I'll try a full wipe and reinstall on the server machine over the weekend and see if that corrects it.

    EDIT: I just want to clarify that I am entering a helicopter, most often a Huron, as a passenger, then switching to third-person or tactical, to reproduce this issue. I have not tried from copilot, gunner or pilot positions.

    Thanks for the update. We need a repro mission and repro steps (using ALiVE and CBA only if possible).

    Sorry for the dumb question but what is “tactical” view?

  11. @HeroesandvillainsOS Thanks for the update. We need a repro mission and repro steps (using ALiVE and CBA only if possible).

    Sorry for the dumb question but what is “tactical” view?

    Here's a mission I made our group has used where this issue is something I've seen. The only actual mods used aside from ALiVE and CBA were Spyderaddons and VCOM, but I've gone through and removed these mods for purposes of testing.

    Honestly, I don't have any idea how to reproduce it, I have seen it as we played, and as @frdm35 has mentioned, when I think about it the main times I have seen it have been while I've gotten in and after I've been in a helicopter. So far on every mission I've done this "blue band" has appeared in the sky.

  12. Edited 5 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @deimer I’m going to need the repro steps to be more specific for me to test this. Can this be seen in SP/editor or does it have to be in local LAN or on a dedicated server?

    If you could, spend some time with your repro first. Find a way to reliably see it (if it’s a certain chopper, place that chopper down, etc). If it can only happen at night, say so. Etc etc etc.

    If it was just as simple as getting in any chopper and switching from first person to third person, everybody that plays does this all the time. Someone would have reported this ages ago I’d think.

  13. @HeroesandvillainsOS @deimer I’m going to need the repro steps to be more specific for me to test this. Can this be seen in SP/editor or does it have to be in local LAN or on a dedicated server?

    If you could, spend some time with your repro first. Find a way to reliably see it (if it’s a certain chopper, place that chopper down, etc). If it can only happen at night, say so. Etc etc etc.

    If it was just as simple as getting in any chopper and switching from first person to third person, everybody that plays does this all the time. Someone would have reported this ages ago I’d think.

    Was able to reproduce in the mission I posted on. . Did nothing other than start up and spawn in on the server and wait, after about 25 minutes I checked on the mission again and the band was seen. Here's the picture I was able to take.

    It seems to be able to happen at any time, but it is not easily visible in afternoon as it blends in very well. In the picture it's around evening in the mission, and you can see how it is visible up against the dark terrain.

  14. @deimer Was able to reproduce in the mission I posted on. . Did nothing other than start up and spawn in on the server and wait, after about 25 minutes I checked on the mission again and the band was seen. Here's the picture I was able to take.

    It seems to be able to happen at any time, but it is not easily visible in afternoon as it blends in very well. In the picture it's around evening in the mission, and you can see how it is visible up against the dark terrain.

    Can this be reproduced in SP? Or local MP? I don’t have a dedicated server to test this.

    So repro steps are just wait? No switching views, no helicopters, no nothing? Just spawn and wait?

  15. Edited 5 years ago by marceldev89

    I seem to recall that this might be related to the server view distance set in the server config. Not quite sure how ALiVE could be responsible for this though.

  16. Yepp, seen that before. Think it has to do with the setFog command and different decay and base values. Shows up in vanilla too, so pretty sure its unrelated to ALiVE.

    Try executing 0 setFog 0 on the server and see if it goes away ....


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