So I'm wondering the proper way to use the weather module and how it's intended to be used with the Intel weather settings in the editor.
So let's say I want there to be a 40% chance of rain. What I'm doing is setting that percentage in the Intel tab and increasing the cloud coverage to a similar %.
How is the weather module designed to be used alongside this? Or is it even supposed to be? Am I then supposed to set the climate to Mediterranean and make sure I pick a winter month? Or am I supposed to disable the Intel weather and let the module override it?
My own personal crack at figuring this out has been a failure. I currently have it sunny, with a rainbow, and rain falling all at the same time. :( It's like someone threw-up a 7-course meal of all kinds of weather all over my mission and it's not pretty.
I basically just want it to maybe rain; maybe not. Maybe have clouds; maybe not. All randomized based on the terrain and time of year. What am I supposed to do?