Units only spawn when module is debugged? (SOLVED)

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I'm having the strangest problem, or maybe I'm missing something? In a mission I'm working on I've been trying to figure out why BLUFOR refuses to spawn. OPFOR has been working fine but BLUFOR will never spawn any civ/mil objective units. So testing this, something strange happened.

    I noticed if I debugged the civ objective module, units would spawn normally. Blue markers all over the map. If I turn off the debug to the civ objective module, no units would spawn at all. In both cases the virtual AI module is debugged but with the the civ module debug turned off, no operations show up in the Operations menu in the Commander Tablet and no blue marks are on the map at all.

    Debug the civ module = units appear
    No debug on civ module = no units appear.

    I can repeat this over and over and the results are always the same. If I'm not understanding how this is all supposed to work, I'd appreciate some clarity on that.

    Here is the mission file in question. Virtual AI is already debugged, civ module is not so you can see how no units for BLUFOR spawn. Sorry it requires a lot of mods but it is not only this mission which is giving me problems so I'm sort of desperate. And note, even though 3CB is the unit in question, this also happens when I replace them with BLU_F, and also when I remove all mission files other than the mission.sqm (so I know none of the scripts are causing it). Is this normal?


    Spyder Addons
    ARP2 Objects
    OPX Pack Fixed
    JBAD Buildings
    CAF Aggressors
    CAF Aggressors Audio Patch
    3CB BAF Weapons
    3CB BAF Vehicles
    3CB BAF Equipment
    3CB BAF Units
    Burnes Foxhound
    CUP Terrains Pack
    Kunduz Afghanistan

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ok, so I think this is definitely some kind of bug. With the civ module debug off, OPCOM has 0 profiles and 5 objectives (these numbers vary but are always low). With the civ module debug on, OPCOM has 14 profiles and 27 objectives. Here are some screenshots:

    Civ module debug off:

    No units on map- https://www.dropbox.com/s/mib9z137hiffygn/20160429224312_1.jpg?dl=0
    No operations in the tablet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pawg20idt3chi4l/20160429224411_1.jpg?dl=0

    Civ module debug on:

    Lots of units on the map- https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ynzdaw9c1w5wk9/20160429224615_1.jpg?dl=0
    Several operations in the tablet- https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9bwcs37ghjahi3/20160429224657_1.jpg?dl=0

    Here's my rpt from launching it with the civ module debug off: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ffxhvqh0cawp1y5/arma3_2016-04-29_23-16-13.rpt?dl=0

  3. Need rpt

  4. Just posted it above in the last link.

  5. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator

    wtf - sounds interesting. just moving apartments so not at the PC but its sounds interesting. will take a look.

  6. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator

    can you pls pastebin the rpt cant open it on ipad easily

  7. Transferred: http://pastebin.com/Dq2GnffS

  8. Thanks Spyder. And thanks Highhead for taking a peak.

  9. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator

    thanks spyder!

    5 profiles for 14 objectives seems low!

    Can you pastebin when it "works"?

    is the objective count replicable staying the same everytime wit the different settings used?

  10. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator

    PS: As you are one of the most active comm memebrs I am gonna devug your mish as far as I can once im back after moving.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yes it is low but it increases when the civ module is debugged. This is with 100 BLUFOR units in the civ obj module. I actually don't know why any objectives would be showing at all considering no units are spawning and only two vehicles are placed.

    I can paste it with the civ module debugged later so you can see the difference (with it working) for sure.

  12. Deleted 8 years ago by highhead
  13. Deleted 8 years ago by highhead
  14. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator


  15. @highhead

    Even the missions I make that are technically working are fucked too so I can use all the help I can get. :)

  16. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator

    yeah but will take some days, maybe a werk if thats ok

  17. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator

    week, fecking ipad

  18. @highhead yeah but will take some days, maybe a werk if thats ok

    I'm just really humbled by the offer! Take your time! :)

    I'll post a new another rpt showing it working properly and send a new mission file too (I removed some things for the link here).

    Good luck with your move! Moving suuuuuuucks.

  19. highhead

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator

    Also please excuse me, I know something like thats frustrating. We try to make ALiVE as modular as possible but there are endless possibilities for bugs and cross-incompatibilities the more mods are involved. I know this is one of the key coolness features of ArmA, but please understand that we are also limited in handling all possible issues. I will download those mods though (esp. 3CB as they were always backing us)!

  20. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    ALiVE is really the only thing I play and it's been that way for I'd say 6 months to a year now. Bought a new gaming rig specifically for this mod (you know what I mean. For now this is all I play) so trust me when I say the pleasure is all mine. Had the new PC for over a month now and only have Arma installed. LOL!

    3CB is a remarkable mod; easily my favorite unit pack. Bare in mind they have this embedded 7 second gear load-on-units delay (this is done to facilitate ACE users apparently). This makes mission start in the SP editor super annoying because all your guys bitch about being out of ammo until their gear spawns.

    That delay was also why I tried using BLU_F instead to see if that was the culprit here. But not only does 3CB work done in my other missions, the bug here continued to happen even when changing units.

    Anyway I'm in no hurry. I plan on releasing these missions eventually but not until they're decent and I definitely don't plan on it until the Intel on dead bodies is incorporated into ALiVE anyway (and THANKS for that too! So glad you worked that in :) ).

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