Group name can't contain spaces?

  1. 8 years ago

    I tried to rename our group name (not the tag) but it says spaces are not allowed.
    Our old group had spaces between the words and lots of other groups have word spacing.

    Is this a bug?

  2. I'm pretty sure spaces mess with persistence of missions.

  3. From what I understand it's group tags and mission names that can't contain special characters.

    Group names can have spaces in them, like you can see in ORBAT.

  4. We're experiencing the same thing, can't have a group name with spaces in it... yet we used to, and I can see a ton of units in the War Room who do have spaces in their full name.

  5. @Tupolov is away with work but should be back early next week and can take a look.

  6. Thanks for the update.

  7. Hopefully we can sort it out :)

  8. That doesn't sound right but we will look into it on our end and see what we have done in the past.

  9. Tupolov

    20 Sep 2016 Administrator

    Its currently a bug on War Room, apologies :( Working on it.

  10. Ace!


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