Hi guys, apologies for the delay in responding - been away a fair bit recently.
@ski2060 There's a variable in there which you can tweak but it's a little bit fiddly as I haven't got it in the settings just yet. Basically, in the /func/ folder, you'll find a file called fn_undercoverTrespassRadiusLoop.sqf. Open that up and on line 3 you'll see this:
params [["_undercoverUnit",player],["_regEnySide",east],["_asymEnySide",independent],["_radius1",15],["_radius2",25],["_radius3",60],["_radius4",150]];
_radius1 is the radius in meters that regular troops will detect you if they can see you.
_radius2 is the radius in meters that asymmetric forces will detect you if they can see you.
So if you want to change the radius for regular forces to 25 from 15, you could use ["_radius1",25] instead of ["_radius1",15].
Does that make sense? I'll add a ticket on GitHub so I remember to add in a parameter in the settings.
@GhostOne It will never work with civilian editor-placed units. They have to be a side that is recognised as an enemy to whichever side you are fighting. Change the clothes to civilian ones in the editor by all means, but use Blufor, Ind or Opfor units as your undercover guys.
As for it not working, the chances are your guy is wearing something prohibited (like Night Vision Goggles or a naughty backpack). Enable debug mode in the settings and let me know what it says if you could? Also, a paste of your settings file and your unit load out wouldn't go amiss if the issue is what I think it is.