Russian RHS Faction Issue

  1. 8 years ago


    Is there any way to force Russian RHS faction to use tanks? So I use rhs_faction_msv and sometimes vdv and it seems that they don't have any tank groups listed. Sometime ago I would have solved this just by adding "rhs_faction_tv" in the faction list. Now Alive doesn't recognize it. This issue creates imbalance on the battlefield. GAZ-66 trucks aren't that good against M1 tanks you know.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Maybe try overriding the Armored number in the MIL/CIV obj module?

    The easiest way would actually be to manually place some, and then virtualized them (sync the team leader vehicle to the Virtual AI module, assuming you use the setting to virtualized synced units).

    On mission start, ALiVE will recognize these groups, OPCOM will command them, and will also replenish them if you use Military Logistics.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    You can also use the ORBAT Creator to add tanks to these factions and overwrite the rhs faction groups in your description.ext

  4. @SpyderBlack723 You can also use the ORBAT Creator to add tanks to these factions and overwrite the rhs faction groups in your description.ext

    Oh. Yeah, sorry I misread. I think this is your answer. I'm not sure is msv or vdv have tank groups so Spyder is correct if that's the case, you'd need to make your own groups.

    I know they have some heavier vehicles, but I honestly am not sure on actual tanks. If you don't see any in the groups section in the editor, definitely follow Spyder's advice. If you do see them, then follow mine.

  5. Thanks a lot for your replies! I will give it a try. Just wanted to clarify myself that tanks aren't listed.

  6. Not sure if the staticdata internal to the mod is still used, but it added tank groups to msv's pool of groups. I've been usong custom staticdatas for a while so not sure if it is still valid, if rhs changed group names etc that may have thrown a spanner in the works.

  7. Ah I meant to check the groups. I forgot. I'll try to do that here in a sec. It's something I would like to know too.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hmmm. I just ran a test with msv and vdv, and I'm not super thrilled with the results. Not sure what changed TBH. msv spawns nothing and gives you an error if you put 0 in the infantry, morotized and spec ops line, and the best I could do with vdv, is this:


    I think that's a tank, yeah?

    Anyway, looking at the groups for both factions, I don't think they should be giving me errors that the factions have no groups like this. I think it could use another pass by an ALiVE dev if anyone ever has the time. That or an ORBAT faction.

  9. Thats a BMP, mechanized. Only tank group VDV has in their defined groups and staticdata is the 2s25 Sprut.

    Alives internal MSV staticdata added TV tank groups. Seems not working by your test though. Could be the groupnames in RHS's config have changed along the way.

  10. @BvB Thats a BMP, mechanized. Only tank group VDV has in their defined groups and staticdata is the 2s25 Sprut.

    Alives internal MSV staticdata added TV tank groups. Seems not working by your test though. Could be the groupnames in RHS's config have changed along the way.

    Definitely. It's not working the way it used to for sure. Lots of groups are unaccounted for with factions that I think at one time worked.

    Tupolov appears to be interested in keeping it that way. Could you post your findings here for when he returns?

  11. Likely will convert @AUTigerGrad 's RHS ORBAT Creator factions to static data format using the newly added option in the OC.

  12. @SpyderBlack723 Likely will convert @AUTigerGrad 's RHS ORBAT Creator factions to static data format using the newly added option in the OC.

    Looking at the repository, I don't see any 1:1 factions for vdv or msv. Do you know offhand, or can you link me, to the work of AuTigerGrad's you're talking about?

    Now I wonder is USMC or US Army need another pass too. I don't *think* so but I'll have to check.

  13. I haven't done the vdv, msv, usmc or usarmy since they were already "fixed" prior to the ORBAT.

    However, now with all of the time that has may be time to go back and redo those as well.

    I've done the Russian VMF (Marines), US Socom, , and all of the RHS GREF factions. I'll do the Serbs as well.

  14. Sidenote: We're playing as VDV in our current campaign. I'll check this weekend and see if everything is working re: groups as they should after the update. I was on last night and didn't notice any issues. aren't going to see T-80s, etc. with VDV. They are a fully airborne force and will only use 2S25 Tank Destroyers as their armored units plus BMDs, BMPs, and BTRs (as they do in real life).

    MSV should have tank groups though.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @AUTigerGrad Sidenote: We're playing as VDV in our current campaign. I'll check this weekend and see if everything is working re: groups as they should after the update. I was on last night and didn't notice any issues. aren't going to see T-80s, etc. with VDV. They are a fully airborne force and will only use 2S25 Tank Destroyers as their armored units plus BMDs, BMPs, and BTRs (as they do in real life).

    MSV should have tank groups though.

    Thanks AuTigerGrad. Ok so yeah, MSV is definitely not working then. VDV is giving me the generic "can't find any groups for this faction," occasionally, but occasionally not which is weird! The best I could get to spawn was that APC or whatever it is in the photo so I'd appreciate your opinion on them.

    Regarding the US factions (USMC and Army with their camo variants), I haven't noticed anything unusual like I did with MSV but I haven't explicitly looked. I know for sure last week I saw an "Armored" army_d unit spawn, and I know motorized and infantry are fine, but beyond that they both could probably use a quick testing.


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