I used to play a lot with Alive last year, enjoyed the dynamic environment and all the support functions tremendously. Patrolled on different maps but never really finished clean up one map. And I find it is the lack of a meta gameplay, e.g., resource gain/lose linked to mission success or area control, and the cost to purchase support/supply/reinforcements, that limited the interest or motivation to continue play. There are many missions on different maps with different flavors, but in their core the gameplay is rather similar, go out to a patrol to kill some insurgents, or jump into a conventional war and do some shooting. but rarely I felt what did affect the game.
This year after I recovered from ARMA 3 fatigue, I started to play liberation, which I realize is just the opposite to Alive: much more thought on the meta level gameplay, i.e., resources, alert level all linked to what the player has been doing in the game, but the down side is the map is so static in comparison to Alive. Hence I am wondering if any of the talented mission makers here have thought about adding some resource management /meta gameplay layer over the excellent foundation of Alive battlefield? I know there is a force pool and can be set to dynamic, but I just feel there is so much potential if this aspect can be elaborated more.
In some way, I think antistas did a pretty good job combining a meta gameplay layer with a rather dynamic battlefield. Pity I was not a fan of playing the insurgents:)