AI Spawning where I don't want them

  1. 7 years ago

    I'm back into the editor making and updating some existing missions (which I didn't make) for a large online group. I keep running into issues where the OPFOR AI spawn where I don't want them.

    Firstly I'm experiencing AI spawn at mission start inside the Blacklist area.
    My understanding was that by setting a blacklist area via a marker and using that marker name in the appropriate places in the Military Placement modules that two things would not occur:

    1. The AI would NOT be spawned in that area at the mission start
    2. The OpCom would NOT regard anything in that area as an objective. This would not stop troops transiting the area on the way somewhere else.

    Secondly, I'm experiencing Objectives being created and AI spawning in outside the TAOR area. Specifically on Malden 2035, I've set up two TAOR's on the main island. After the second was created, I started seeing both the island to the North West and the one to the east populated with both debug markers and profile markers.

    I know that there's no way of stopping the OpCom from sending troops to specific places once the mission is running (which is a shame but known issue), but what I'm seeing is occurring immediately the mission starts and ALIVE kicks in starting spawning.

  2. Friznit

    17 Aug 2017 Administrator

    If you turn debug on the Placement modules you can see where objectives are. If they're in the blacklisted area / outside the TAOR marker then there may be something up with the markers. Try moving them a bit, check the spelling and case of names etc. Oval markers sometimes act a bit weird

  3. Hi Friznit, I've checked two of the missions I've been having issues with. The Malden one was down to a spelling mistake on the TAOR (TOAR!) and correcting that has sorted it so that there's no objectives outside of my TAOR.

    However the other problem pertaining to AI spawning in my blacklist persists. I've checked all the spelling etc. I have only one placement module with a TAOR specified, and that should have two black listed areas. The two are delimited with a comma (does it matter if it's space-comma-space or text-comma-space-text or text-comma-text??). I do have a number of custom placement modules, but none are anywhere near my black list area.

    I've switched debug on and can confirm that there's no objectives in the blacklist area that I'm finding AI spawning in.

  4. Multiple markers defined in an override should be written with a comma and no space, example:

  5. Friznit

    17 Aug 2017 Administrator

    Even if there are no objectives in the blacklist area, are there any near the boundary? AI groups will spawn within the radius of an objective. With debug on, you'll see 2 numbers next to each objective like [25,500] - that's priority and size. So for a large objective such as a town with size 500, you could get patrol groups spawning up to 500m from the centre of the objective, which may in some cases mean they overlap into a "blacklisted" area.

  6. Thanks @HeroesandvillainsOS that's OK then, that's how its set up.

    @Friznit , I'm seeing text like c_129|CIV|0|470 on the objectives near me. I'd guess they're about 1km away though, maybe a little closer. Is the size a constant or refactored every time the mission runs?

  7. Apologies @Friznit . It looks like the issues i was experiencing across my missions were all of my own making. One mission had a wrongly spelt TAOR, another had a ; not a , separating the blacklist and the last and main problem was due to the previous mission creater adding a CQB module in which i couldn't/didnt see and consequently didnt update the blacklist.

    Apologies for being a complete prat.

  8. We've all been there... thanks for the reply and letting us know.

  9. When I was new to scripting I spent an entire day trying to figuring out why the easy code I was writing wouldn't work.. turns out I forgot a "
    I feel you.


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