Headless ai integration

  1. 6 years ago

    I might be dumb but I couldn't find the answer. Does alive natively process ai and put them on headless clients or do I need an outside mod? I know the last time I used the mod I had to use wertless headless ai.

  2. Edited 6 years ago by AngusDLX

    Yes all handled by ALiVE.

    All you need to do:

    1) Change in ALiVE (Required) the AI distribuition to Headless Client.

    2) Place HC located in virtual entities and set to playable and give a name HC

    Done! :D

  3. Sorry if ignorant question, still learning the in/outs of running Arma server. Does the server have to be setup as Headless Client or everything is on Alive's end?

  4. Edited 6 years ago by TPM

    @DrDetroit Sorry if ignorant question, still learning the in/outs of running Arma server. Does the server have to be setup as Headless Client or everything is on Alive's end?

    You will need to:

    • create the headless client on your server or another PC
    • add the HC modules(i can't remember the actual name) to your mission.
    • make sure your server.cfg file has the details setup correctly.
    headlessClients[]  = {""};    // list of IP addresses allowed to connect using headless clients; example: {"", ""};
    localClient[]      = {""};    // list of IP addresses to which are granted unlimited bandwidth; example: {"", ""};

    - create a profile folder for your headless client and make sure that these details are in a bat file or launcher parameters along with any server details, eq password.

    I think that is it from memory.

  5. Thank you good sir!! Much appreciated!

    Good day!


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