AI Teammates Location Persistence (SOLVED)

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  2. 9 years ago

    Hey man I appreciate they reply!

    Yes I just made that switch. Haven't tested it yet but you and I were thinking the same thing. :)

  3. In theory either should work but you know..... Arma.....

  4. I forgot to place the freaking respawn_west marker. LOL! We are all good now.

  5. For whatever reason, the script in here that teleports the AI to my position on mission load and respawn is only teleporting some of my AI teammates, not all.

    It's weird.

    Is anyone using this having any luck with it or made any adjustments they could share with me?

  6. Not having any dramas with it at all. Should work well in theory. Are you using any medical scripts at all?

  7. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I was using a medical script but removed it (Automedic. And it wasn't working in MP). I'll definitely double check.

    Long shot but if I were to link you to a PBO, would you be willing to look through the scripts and sqf's to make sure I have everything in order (you know, the semi-colons and all the junk. I'm not asking for anyone to review the modules in the editor any anything. Just the mission text files)? I'll gladly donate to a PayPal account if you have one. I have four templates which are identical in every way other than the mission.sqf. I've been having some strange issues especially when respawning and feel like one of my files may be set up wrong. I'm sure I messed up a comma or something or have something in the wrong order in the init.sqf (etc).

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You know what, here's one. If anyone cares to take a look I'd appreciate it (again, I'd just like the scripts and sqf's looked at. Though if you'd like to see it in the editor the readme is wrong. I now use AiA). They can PM me their PayPal which would be my pleasure just to get a second set of eyes on it.

  9. I will try in a few days, not that I'm the best! Away from the PC for a little while. (No PayPal needed!)

  10. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Cool yeah. I'd appreciate that. Lately my missions have been going very well but it's like the percent chance of my server crashing with a red chain goes up 10 fold whenever I die (respawn). It would seem logical to me that some script is trying to reinitialize or something and causing my problems. And on top of that I have no freaking clue why only some of my men teleport and the others don't.

    In the mission I linked you, all was going fine and dandy (other than the teleport AI thing) until I died after about 1:15 minutes of a really good and stable time. I respawned and decided to hit server save and exit and the second I did that, BAM! The red chain of hell! LOL!

    Anyway, the donation offer stands for you for sure. Let me know! Or anyone else for that matter that may take pity on me and have some free time on their hands. :)

  11. Well I'll be damned. It was a missed bracket in the teleport script. Added it back and it works again.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN


    if you are not already I would suggest using Notepad++ with the Arma 3 syntax highlighter (Google should find both easily). It will save your bacon with this kind of thing.. and it has pretty colours and everything!!

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I just started using it actually! Maquez helped me a week or so ago get it installed and told me how to change the language to SQF (he gave me a link for ARMA so I *think* that means I installed the syntax highlighter). Now it's just a matter of figuring out how to read it! LOL! I didn't see any indication in the sqf file that anything was wrong. Should the line have turned red or something?

  14. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I still write 95% of my code in standard notepad (it looks cleaner to me :) ) .. but N++ with the plugin is king for debugging.

    You can go to (along the top) Search >> Find and then use the Count features within that dialog to count things such as { and } to make sure there is an even amount in the file. If there is an uneven amount, just go through and highlight each {, if the code works it will highlight it's closing counterpart }.

  15. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    That's very useful thank you! Also good to know that regular Notepad is ok in most cases. I find ++ a lot harder on the eyes.

  16. ...but... pretty colours.......

  17. All the green and red reminds me of XMas. :)

  18. This script still doesn't want to work for me. Is anyone else using this?

    I seem to be able to replicate two things consistently:

    1. I have a 6 man team. Myself and 5 AI. Slots 2 and 3 always respawn at base on mission start while slots 4, 5 and 6 work as intended (they spawn at my saved location).

    2. Even though I have persistence set up correctly, I Always spawn with "default" gear and not the gear I saved with.

    Does anyone have any idea how I can "continue" my mission using this script and have all of my units spawn with me at my saved location and for me to spawn with the gear I saved with?

  19. Have you got respawnOnStart = 0; in your description.ext?

  20. I do not. I'll add that.

    Will that help me load with the gear I was carrying when I server saved and exited too? If not, do you know how I can accomplish that?

  21. If the issue is what I suspect it might be, yes it will help. If you are still having issues after doing that, post your most up to date mission file and I'll have a look.

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