Some C2ISTAR questions

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I'm working on making mission on CLAfghan where instead of a traditional Assymetric Insurgency, I want to make the playable force a Spec Ops team that receives C2ISTAR generated tasks (but also requires to player to do typical Assymetric prevention stuff along the way). But I'm noticing that the entire C2ISTAR system seems really buggy and I'm wondering if there's any realistic way to mitigate that.

    1. With auto tasking enabled, without question the first set of tasks never shows up on my map. The tasks themselves generate, but since there are no markers there's obviously no way for me to accept the mission. Also, there's no "set task" option for these initial missions in the "Task" menu. This means I always need to delete the initial tasks and request a new one (then everything seems to work).

    2. Two tasks always generate on mission start but they are always identical, except with different phrases being used. Is that intended? And one of them is always not allowed to be deleted.

    3. Is there any way within the mod files to restrict which kind of missions get generated?

    4. In the future, could we get the option to blacklist map areas where tasks can be generated? If auto tasks generate within the enemy's mil/civ obj blacklisted area, the mission will spawn but no enemies will.

    I love the idea of C2ISTAR and when it works it's an INCREDIBLE change of pace from basic patrolling. But, it's sort of buggy and not something I think I can commit to unless I can figure out some workarounds for this stuff. Any help or insight would be GREATLY appreciated.

  2. The tasking system was originally just a placeholder to give testers something to do (we get bored and violent if not placated with drugs/women/Arma).. and was created some time ago. There were bugs even then and I'm sure that with all the A3 changes over the last year or so this has only gotten worse.

    A few things to try:

    - test C2ISTAR on a different map than Clafghan - if there is a map out there that has weirder issues than Clafghan I've yet to see it. I'm thinking this might be the cause of issue #1

    - test without Auto-tasking.... so manually request tasks and see if you get the same errors

    I can't recall if there is a method of blacklisting certain tasks... will try to search.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks. You're right about CLAfghan being the weirdest map ever. I had to remove a helicopter fastrope script because it throws AI pilots for a loop trying to find a safe place to hover. Also without it, just asking them to land in the mountains, has a 50/50 chance of them sliding all the way down when they attempt it and everyone exploding in a moment of Hollywood bad-ass-ism. :) On one try last night my AI teammates saw we were going down and they tried to eject before succumbing to their fire-y doom. I was like, WTF? LOL!

    Any info you find would be great. I think when C2ISTAR is working properly it adds a lot of fun and depth to the experience. I sort of want to play as a Spec Ops guy but just patrolling feels wrong. CLAfghan would be amazing for some set "missions" I think because of the mountains and the cover and the extreme lack of actual cities. We just need some objectives damnit! Spookwarcom would actually be a decent choice but I don't think it works on a dedicated server unfortunately. So I'd like to get C2ISTAR up and running. I hate to change the map but I could see it being the source of my issues.

  4. You can blacklist certain tasks with a staticData entry.. will search for a post because I'm lazy and don't want to post the steps again

  5. Cool. I'm lazy too but I swear I did a search on the forums here before posting my questions. My laziness be damned I tried!

  6. Heroes, you should try combining ALiVE with MCC! (Sorry for plugging a different mod, don't worry, I still love ALiVE more.) I use ALiVE to set up the overall mission and to handle the overall war effort and all the ambience, support etc but then I use a combination of MCC and C2ISTAR tasks to give the mission more direction. Like doing an MCC mission to rescue a HVT (works reasonably well considering it's auto-generated) and then if that mission is successful I reveal an ALiVE objective to attack next as if the HVT gave us the intel. Would love to see a revamp of the tasking system down the line though but understandably must be a nightmare for the devs and low on the priority list.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I actually had that thought the other day when talking with Ski about some kind of tasking system (whether that be C2ISTAR, Zeus, MCC or what have you). I briefly read the first page of the MCC thread and OMG it sounds really really complicated. LOL! I guess like anything else, you pick it up over time though.

    Are MCC and ALiVE running well on a dedicated server for you?

    Ideally I'd like to keep this all ALiVE based but if I can't figure out how to blacklist stuff and if it keeps being wonky as hell, MCC sounds like a decent option. If I can figure it out.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by ski2060

    I have been thinking of putting AliVE together with MCC as well. I need to find a replacement for ACE3 though. My unit uses it religiously, and the advanced medical system is something we all train on.
    I know MCC has a different medical system.

    @noonanamous Do you know if it is analogous to ACE?
    The guys will miss all the ACE realism stuff if I have to drop it :(

    @HeroesandvillainsOS MCC isn't that difficult once you start learning it. I use it for basic Zone population if I need, but mostly for auto-generating specific mission types.
    All the other stuff, I usually don't mess with- aside from Arty, CAS, etc.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by stcrowe


    Just fyi, MCC and ACE3 run well together. The author (shay) has done a fantastic job of making sure the two work well. The rule with MCC is that everything is off by default. So the medical system is off by default.

  10. Oh, I know MCC and ACE run well together. I have an MCC Template mission on Kunduz using ACE and our other unit mods.
    I am trying to find a replacement for ACE to run with ALiVE.

    If I can get approximate ACE interactions and play with MCC, I may have to build a mission with MCC instead of ACE.

  11. Yeah MCC runs really well with just about everything I've used. It's really handy just as a tool, has plenty of more complex functionality but just using the simple stuff is about all I need it for. The generated tasks are no more complex then setting parameters like the type of mission and various elements you might want in it like adding civilians, whether the enemy will reinforce, etc. Really quick and easy to use. The functionality it adds to zeus is super handy too, being able to do stuff like force adding stuff to zeus like AI team mates so you can quickly drop the arsenal on them etc. Overall it works really smoothly. That being said, the way I use it I tend to be a bit more sparse when populating the map with ALiVE units just to keep performance up. Plus if you're generating a mission near an ALiVE objective you just end up with more troops in the AO than you might want.

  12. Yeah, I think I'm going to experiment with it and see how it goes. I mean, Alive has the Task functionality, but being able to pick and choose what I want from the MCC mission generator is what I'd be using it for.
    Also, the expanded medical system if that can approximate ACE.
    My guys will miss the other ace functions though :(

  13. I think if there was a way to blacklist certain tasks, ALiVE's C2ISTAR missions I'm finding are actually pretty decent. They'll do the trick for me. I just don't want to have to do some of them.

  14. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Alright, couldn't find any old posts.
    Here's how you blacklist certain tasks.

    staticData.sqf should be a file you create in the root of your mission folder


    execVM "staticData.sqf";


    waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilAssault","MilDefence","CivAssault","Assassination","TransportInsertion","DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","SabotageBuilding","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];

    Remove an entry from the array to stop that task from being generated.

    For example, removing MilAssault (first entry) would look like

    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilDefence","CivAssault","Assassination","TransportInsertion","DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","SabotageBuilding","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];
  15. That can come in handy!

  16. So I've got to say, using C2ISTAR as my primary means of interacting with ALiVE has really been quite enjoyable on small(ish) maps such as FATA! It's awesome getting a task in the dead of night, putting on the NVG's (with Full Screen Night Vision mod), helicoptering to an objective start point, and raining Hell on Insurgent forces. And having a full blown war going on in the background while I focus on objectives is a nice change of pace.

    I really hope this system gets some love in the next update. What's here, although wonky (objectives getting placed off map is a very common occurrence regardless of the map) is marvelous and engaging. Perfect for Spec OPS type play. :)

    Quick question: Will there be any major downside that anyone can think of if I have the OPFOR set to Assymetric while I primarily only do the C2ISTAR tasks? Basically, I only have my squad do typical patrol if there's a town or village on my way to the task marker. Are the spawned friendly Occupying units (via the mil/civ obj modules) typically decent at keeping the insurgents at bay on their own or is the Assymetrical model really super reliant on the player squad doing most of the patrol/blowing up stuff? I ask this because if I'm not taking care of blowing up enemy HQ's (for example), will my BLUEFOR profiled units do this on their own?

  17. I've been having an issue where I have C2ISTAR setup for OPFOR only, and have set its factions to two custom factions, yet was still seeing vanilla BLUFOR units spawn during missions like "pickup the troops at X" rather than the friendly opfor faction.

  18. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm wondering if you guys could put some kind of fail-safe into the clear town objective. It's pretty much guaranteed that I'll clear the area and go 10+ minutes without the objective ever finishing. I'm assuming the radius for the enemy check is probably pretty large, which I get due to various map sizes. Would something like having the task auto compete if no combat is engaged after 2-3 minutes be impossible to add in? Or perhaps making the enemy radius check the actual size of the town (if indeed it's programmed RL check for enemies)?

    Also, let's say a task just doesn't work and needs to be deleted via the commander tablet. Would there be any way to get a new one auto-generated (with auto-generating tasks on of course) if no tasks are currently cued?

  19. Deleted 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  20. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I think also the transport troop task (guys won't consistently board vehicle. I think it has to do with if they sense an enemy presence nearby) and the defend objective task (enemies sometimes don't attack the objective, meaning we'll all arrive to the marker and just sit there) aren't really working either. LOL! I know you guys have said that the whole C2ISTAR thing was more of an afterthought brought in to give devs something to do during testing, but that said, I really like the concept of it! Especially on small maps as sort of a "waypoint generator" for me to head towards while on patrol.

    When it works it's wonderful. I Hope there's some way to clean it up a bit if you guys have the time.

    EDIT: I see now that a few months ago it was confirmed "clear the town" is actually broken on A2 maps. No wonder I'm having issues. I'm playing on FATA.

  21. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I just found this:

    This thread was also attempting to limit the types of C2ISTAR tasks that generate and I can also verify that I have the exact same issue with the script in this thread. There's a variant of it in the link above too.

    What I can't discern is if "clear the town" is the only one immune to the script (when "CivAssault" is removed), or if the script only works on the first task; meaning the script has no way of getting reinitialize once the first task is finished. If the former, there's at least hope that if we can find a way to get the script to disable that task, then everything should be good. If the latter, and the script is just not designed to work in MP, then maybe someone with some scripting knowledge can find a way to get the script to reinitialize after the first task?

    What I can say for certain is that inevitably, "clear the town" is going to eventually surface and then the entire auto-tasking process breaks. The "clear the town" task either needs to be deleted at that point from the commander tablet, or forced "succeeded" from the tablet. When you do that, the only way to get auto-tasking to work again is to disable auto-tasking (which for some reason forces a new task), and then reenabling it (which causes all of the blacklisted tasks via the script to start generating again).

    This is a strange issue. For any dev reading, the thread above is probably the most accurate description of what is happening. I can't really make heads or tails of it but what I do know is several of the tasks are broken, with "clear the town" causing the most havoc.

    I just can't tell if the script is only working once of if "clear the town" is somehow immune to be blacklisted via the script.

  22. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Thanks for the detailed description Heroes.

    @SpyderBlack723 Alright, couldn't find any old posts.
    Here's how you blacklist certain tasks.

    staticData.sqf should be a file you create in the root of your mission folder


    execVM "staticData.sqf";


    waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilAssault","MilDefence","CivAssault","Assassination","TransportInsertion","DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","SabotageBuilding","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];

    Remove an entry from the array to stop that task from being generated.

    For example, removing MilAssault (first entry) would look like

    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilDefence","CivAssault","Assassination","TransportInsertion","DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","SabotageBuilding","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets"];

    Added on wiki:

  23. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Savage, sorry if I wasn't clear but the script doesn't work. If it does, I can only discern that only the first task uses it. At least in MP. After the first task it generates blacklisted/erased ones. The link I placed in the post above is a discussion revolving around a similar script. I'm seeing the same thing with Spyder's new one.

    That, or "clear the town" aka "CivAssault" is immune to it.

  24. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Does the assassination/HVT mission only use custom ALiVE-generated camps? Can they be generated in a building included on the map itself? Just wondering how varied the HVT missions will be if someone could describe how they're programmed. Only seeing camp-sites right now.

  25. Bump

  26. It always spawns a custom composition for the task. The composition will be located near an actual enemy position though.

  27. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ah that's unfortunate. Thanks for the answer though. Was hoping they'd be a little more varied.

    EDIT: Well after not being able to find an HVT after massacring what seemed like an entire village, I had a map marker telling me me he was just a couple hundred meters from me. I teleport there and he's trying to get away in a car! LOL! Pleasant surprise! Oh and the new yellow icon is sweet. :)

  28. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I just had a task called "Destroy the Fire Burning" which was a task to destroy a burning fire. Obviously it can't be completed.

    EDIT: I've narrowed it down to the Destroy Building subclass of auto-tasks if that helps. This is happening on an A2 map and is presenting itself as a custom composition (a camp with mesh tent around it and a burning campfire in the middle with a technical in the front.). Seen it multiple times now trying to isolate it and 100% can't be completed. Blew the whole thing up every which way each time and no dice.

  29. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    And the 'Insurgency Destroy Assests' subclass of tasks isn't working either. On the same A2 map (Isalo Di Capraia), the task pointed to an unenterable behemoth of an industrial building that can't be blown up. If it would help I could get the building class for you guys.

  30. Is there a work around to get pick up and insert troops working?

    Big fan of this for pratcie flights in hot zones as a budding pilot.

    M kunduz mission is populating with the pick up / insert tasks however the troops do not seem to be at the pick up or if they are they won t get in?

  31. Not that I'm aware of. That task usually works but can fail if the troops start engaging in combat. With ALiVE being open source now I'm hoping eventually someone will overhaul the tasking system entirely.

  32. Thanks for the reply

  33. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Tobur

    Picking up the question from the starter of this thread again:

    4. In the future, could we get the option to blacklist map areas where tasks can be generated? If auto tasks generate within the enemy's mil/civ obj blacklisted area, the mission will spawn but no enemies will.

    ... is it possible to assign the C2ISTAR module to a certain area (whitelist/blacklist)? I don't want to use the Mil Placement modules in this case, only the convenience to generate tasks in the field. Problem is the tasks appear too close around my base (200m). I'd like to define an area of operation a bit further away


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