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Do not sync players to the Profiler - they are handled separately by ALiVE.
Do not sync players to the Profiler - they are handled separately by ALiVE.
[[Category:ALiVE Modules]]

Revision as of 07:27, 28 November 2014

Icon sys profile.png ALiVE Systems

How It Works

The revolutionary Virtual AI System processes a complete set of data about every AI unit allowing them to be despawned from the game world yet still interact with other ALiVE modules. This allows the ‘virtual battle’ to continue in the background without taking up valuable server resources. Units will reappear in the game world as soon as a player comes within visual range.

Usage: Place the Virtual AI System in the editor and set the desired visual spawn radius. Note that high spawn ranges in excess of 3KM may have an impact on performance. Separate spawn radius options are available for players on the ground or piloting helicopters and planes.

You can limit the number of profiles that get spawned into the game world by setting the Limiter value on the module. The default value is 50. Setting the limiter higher than this may have an impact on performance. Groups that are prevented from spawning are on a first-come, first-served basis - so whichever happens to be closest to a player at the time. Note that making a mission will a lot of AI then spawn-limiting them is inefficient and may get weird results.

Units and Groups can be explicitly Excluded or Included from Profiles by Synchronising (F5) to the Virtual AI module. The behaviour of the module can be configured in the drop down menus. It is not recommended to profile units that you need to be in an exact location or facing such as static guns in a bunker.

Editor Notes

The profile system currently only supports the following waypoint types for virtualisation:

  • Move
  • Cycle

Triggers and other complex editor tools do not function in the virtual battle space.

Do not sync players to the Profiler - they are handled separately by ALiVE.