Civilian Population

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Icon sys AISkill.png ALiVE Civilian

How It Works

Civilian Population Module
Civilian Population Module

The Civilian Population module is used to control the spawning, despawning and control of ambient civilians and crowds. The module has a set of parameters that determine when civilians should be spawned, how many, hostility to sides and insurgent factions they may join or rebel against.

The Civilian Population Module will not work unless at least one Civilian Placement module is placed. This module will populate the map with civilians.

There are two types of ambient civilian. The first type is a "persistent" layer of civilians that live in houses, have a pattern of life, journey between locations and can participate in insurgencies. These civilians also carry intelligence, can be interacted with and if monitored may lead players to insurgent installations. The same individuals will spawn/despawn and are tracked as "ALIVE profiles".

The second type is a "non-persistent" layer that make up the civilians forming crowds and creating the effect of busy areas. These civilians spawn and despawn around players and do not have a pattern of life and cannot participate in insurgencies. These civilians can form crowds and throw objects at hostile forces. The civilians can be interacted with and can be a source of intelligence.

In both case this module will attempt to spawn the closest civilians and despawn the furthest civilians from players, ensuring that there are no dead areas on the map when any active limiter on civilian units kicks in.


Simply place Civilian Population module in the editor and choose the settings as desired. Do not sync it to anything.


  • Enable Debug: this will toggle debug mode and allow mission makers to see where civilian clusters (large green circle areas) are on the map, where civilians have been spawned and for "persistent" civilians, which current action they are undertaking (green text). This option will also show you where "non-persistent" civilians are spawned around players (green dot)
  • Spawn Radius: The distance (measured in 3D) at which civilians will spawn when players are on foot.
  • Spawn Heli Radius: The distance (measured in 3D) at which civilians will spawn when players are on in a helicopter.
  • Spawn Planes Radius: The distance (measured in 3D) at which civilians will spawn when players are on in a plane.
  • Active Limiter: Limits the number of "persistent" ambient civilians that are spawned at any one go (not including crowd/non-persistent civilians).
  • BLUFOR Hostility: The level of hostility civilians will have for WEST side forces at the start of the mission.
  • OPFOR Hostility: The level of hostility civilians will have for EAST side forces at the start of the mission.
  • INDFOR Hostility: The level of hostility civilians will have for INDEPT side forces at the start of the mission.
  • Civilian Roles: Certain civilians will be given western or eastern roles such as cleric, elder etc. These roles offer further interaction opportunities in order to reduce hostility.
  • Enable Interaction This turns on a more advanced interaction mechanism (from Spyder's Addon) that allows further intelligence to be collected from civilians. The ALiVE version has been updated to work with all civilian types in ALiVE. The ALiVE version will not run if Spyder's Addon is loaded. Civilians can mark places on the map to indicated insurgent activity etc.
  • Limit Interation This allows mission makers to restrict advanced interaction to certain factions, classes or users. Simply list the those factions, classes, user names and/or PUIDs that can access advanced interaction and they will be able to interact. Other's can still try to interact but will be told they do not have permission. Example ["B_Officer_F","B_Sniper_F","Tupolov","BLU_F","4532341231","O_Officer_F"]
  • Insurgent Faction This is the faction that civilians will report on. This faction should be specified in at least one placement module i.e. Military Objective or Civilian Objective Placement.
  • Crowd Spawn Radius Civilians will spawn in (enterable) buildings within this radius of players, if that building is within a civilian cluster and sun is rising/has risen. This spawns "non-persistent" civilians aka crowd civilians.
  • Crowd Civs per House This specifies the number of civilians spawned in one house for every house within the spawn radius.
  • Crowd Limit this is used to limit the number of crowd civilians spawned within the spawn radius.
  • Crowd Faction this can be used to improve performance. If you only have one civilian faction in the mission, specify them here.