Generate Config

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Revision as of 12:51, 11 August 2016 by Friznit (Talk | contribs)

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Exporting the Code

The Generate Config button is contextual on each screen.

  • Unit Editor - exports the Unit Configs for all units currently selected (multiple selections are possible using shift-click and ctrl-click). This is useful if you just want to create a bunch of custom loadouts. Custom units must be packed into a pbo added to the game as a mod.
  • Group Editor - exports the Group Config for all groups selected. This is most useful for creating custom group configs with existing addon units. Group configs can either be run at the mission level or packed into a pbo and run as an addon.
  • Faction Editor - exports the entire Faction Config, including Groups and Units. This needs to be packed into a pbo and turned into a mod using the addon autogen tool.

How to use the generated code

If you create a new faction class or group config using existing units without changing their loadout at all, then you can paste the results into description.ext and the changes will apply at the mission level only. If you create new units, or edit the loadout of existing ones, then you will need to pack the config into a pbo using addon autogen tool.

Addon Autogenerator

  1. In the ORBAT Creator, click Generate Config to copy the code to the clipboard.
  2. In the file browser, open addons/test/autogen.hpp and paste the copied code.
  3. Use a pbo tool to pack the test folder into a pbo
  4. Rename the pbo to your chosen faction name and place it in the folder @myfaction/addon/myfaction.pbo
  5. Move your new @myfaction to the ArmA3 folder and run it like any other mod.
  6. Load up Eden and check that your new faction is showing in the list correctly.