Now compatible with Arma 3 1.60
Requires latest CBA -
Now compatible with Arma 3 1.60
Requires latest CBA -
thanks for the releas :)
going to test it now
the menu key works too!
like always...awesome work guys!
Thanks guys.
Minor Patch Release Candidate v1.0.6.1606081 to fix issue with new author values and BIS line drawing compatibility.
Please test and let us know if you find any major errors. If all goes well we'll release the update in a day or two.
Thanks Friznit. Would this have any changes beyond the link Spyder posted the other day? If not, I've been using it for awhile and it seems to be working fine.
Yay! Cype_Revenge indexed the glorious Diyala! I know that's not a lot of time for you all to squeeze into the next update (if one's coming soon) but I just wanted to share the feels I get knowing he managed to get that done.
Did he? He PM'd me the latest build but I still couldn't get it to index.
Ah. I assumed he indexed it himself since he said before he was the only one that could because of how he locked down the PBO's. I guess what he sent you is a pre-release of his next update which would leave it up to someone else having to index it?
That's a shame. He seems eager to get this map going for ALiVE. I could have sworn he said he'd index it for the update. My bad. I didn't mean to give anyone false info.
Haha damn you for getting my hopes up Heros! :P
I'm looking forward to Diyala being indexed more than I am Tanoa being released if I'm honest
@JD_Wang Haha damn you for getting my hopes up Heros! :P
I'm looking forward to Diyala being indexed more than I am Tanoa being released if I'm honest
If there's anything I can do to isolate and diagnose the bug with CSAT unintentionally spawning, let me know. I see we're short staffed here and I wouldn't mind at all helping in any way you can see fit. I don't have a ton of knowledge but if a second set of hands will do, my hands are all yours. :)
I'd help with whatever, actually. This one just seems like the buggiest of bugs so I'd assume it would be the most "urgent."
Still can't repro that one. Have been playing a lot of ALiVE with the VOLCBAT mod pack including RHS and never seen a single CSAT spawn. If you can nail down a repeatable issue that I can reliably repro we may be able to find out way, but invariably this is due to a fault with the unit mod causing ALiVE to fall back to defaults.
The mission I posted on the github reproduces it reliably (though it may be sloppy. I made it in 5 minutes). Can I post anything that would help you see why it is happening such as logs with certain modules debugged?
In the mission on GitHub, I can teleport to just a few groups and see CSAT very quickly. I see it in all of my missions actually - regardless of maps or modset - so I'm very surprised you can't repro it.
I can duplicate this with CUP units, Massi Units, CAF units, etc. Any unit pack I throw down ultimately produces CSAT.
The key here is that you need to teleport because this issue is seldom. 1 group out of hundreds might be CSAT. Most people wouldn't see it during normal play because of this...until they suddenly do but that could take hours upon hours. Teleporting can reliably repro within minutes.
Anyway, your wish is my command. I can help with this and other stuff if you need it. It would be my pleasure as the forums seem pretty dead right now and I can imagine you might need hands on deck. This particular bug just kills missions for me though so let me know.
Just wanted to do a gentle bump on this. I created a new mission on a new map and still have CSAT spawning periodically. What can I do to isolate this issue? Is the Stratis vanilla test mission using only CUP Takistani's on the Github not duplicating it for you?
Are there any logs I can provide or modules I can debug for the logs which will reveal the culprit?
I have no problem doing the leg work on this. I really can't play ALiVE anymore until this gets fixed and seeing as this is the only thing I play, let me help you help myself. :)
No point bumping - already said I can't repro it!
It's highly likely it's a rare case of a bad faction mapping for RHS causing ALiVE to fall back to default CSAT. I guess the only way to nail it down is try and isolate what the group type is but really the only sure way would be to go through every RHS group individually in the faction mapping in static data and confirm they're all correct.
The sample mission on Github uses CUP Takistani's with vanilla everything else on Stratis. It's a test mission made specifically to showcase this bug.
I can duplicate this with every faction I throw at ALiVE (I've don't use RHS except for yesterday when I tried ISC).
This happens with Massi's units, CAF units, ISC units and CUP units.
The sample mission I made is a really quick and dirty example of how this even happens on a vanilla map with only ALiVE, CBA and what I assume is a clean faction in CUP requirements. I made this mission specifically for SavageCDN with these requirements as per his request.
Have you looked at the mission? I made it very quickly for Savage as he was going to investigate ASAP so I may have made a mistake or two. If so I can clean it up and show you. I just need to know what you need to see.
Well I can't download the mission but would I be able to repro using OPF_G_F (and then observe faulty spawning OPF_F)?
Oh sorry I can re-upload the mission later if you're having problems with my Dropbox. I had issues with it myself yesterday for an unrelated reason and I'm not sure why. I think they changed the share link permissions format.
I haven't tried OPF_G_F mainly because I have a hard time distinguishing the difference between vanilla OPFOR units. My personal opinion, which is not worth too much due to my limited knowledge, would be that assuming I'm not making some universal mistake in every mission I make (this is possible!) would be just to select any faction you have 100% faith in that's not CSAT and teleport around for a bit.
Now, if this is a genuine bug (who knows?), it could also be related to the features of ALiVE I always use. I can list how I set these missions up - the modules and features and such - if necessary.
No, my pc needs an ethernet cable (no wireless card built in) and it's not sitting next to the router so no internet.
I can try to test sometime tonight or tomorrow maybe