Arty question

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Yes the next ALiVE update should be out soon™ and there are some fixes for CS included.

  3. hello!
    i just tested 1.1.0 ...i'm sad to say the arty bug still persist :(

  4. Some real life stuff came up before I could do any meaningful work on the arty combat system. You can expect some fixes to system in the next (non-hotfix) release, hopefully. No promises though. :D

  5. No prob ! Was just to let you know ! No hurry ! Keep up with this great work !!

  6. hello! just for 1.1.1 arty bug still present!
    bye !

  7. Edited 7 years ago by DLEGION

    hello guys !

    after some experiments i discorvered whats causing the problem !
    i was using a single arty vehicle, with all the code needed to make it work for alive as an arty.

    this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","ARTY"];this setvariable ["CS_CALLSIGN","IronRain One"];this addEventHandler ["Fired",{(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}];

    i tested with the arty module, and it spawn 3 arty tanks, and each one fire 1/3 of the shots (becasue there are other 2 artys firing) its kinda correct !

    my problem is that for performance reasons i wish to use one single arty tank to its there is way of do it right with 1 tank only?

    i found another problem....i set 30 minutes for CS respawn (in combat support module).
    BUT... right after an arty fire mission is over (last shot landed) the arty is ready again to be used !
    i wish to pass some time from one firemission to another ! thanks !

  8. The CS respawn for the Arty is just that "Respawn". It would only take effect if the unit was destroyed.

  9. The only way to use one arty unit is to manually place it in the editor and use the code you mentioned in your post so that ALiVE recognizes it.

  10. When you say the mission is over after your last shot, you're not talking about a mission complete/failed screen, right?

  11. to Riley: no way to limit it to 1 arty mission every X time ?

    to Savage: yep i know, but in that way the shot number is bugged ! any idea to get the correct shot number?

    to Heroes: no man, i just mean the arty fire mission ! the radio message say its over, and then arty is ready again !

  12. no way to limit it to 1 arty mission every X time ?

    No, ammo is supposed to be the limiter to unlimited fire missions.

  13. ah ok :(
    well...whats the code to add to my single arty tank to make it have 999999999999999 of each shots ?

    even better...may i "reload" it with a trigger and a code every X minutes?

  14. Setvehicleammo 1 doesnt work

  15. Optional:

    this setvariable ["CS_ARTILLERY_HE","50"]; //Number of HE Rounds. Can be HE, ILLUM, SMOKE, GUIDED, CLUSTER, LG, MINE, ATMINE, ROCKETS
    (note that not all arty vehicles can use all the ammo types of course)

  16. Awesome ! Huge thanks man !

  17. hello guys !
    just a question....if its not planned to solve this bug, can at least be set in next release a bigger number of shots per fire mission ? (i maximum is 24 shots...but it shot only 8 if you place just 1 what about set a maximum of 72 or something like it --- so it will shoot 24 shots with 1 arty --- ?)
    thanks !

  18. Friznit

    11 Aug 2016 Administrator

    Arty is undergoing a complete rewrite. It won't be ready for the next release but it's getting rebuilt from scratch.

  19. ahh ok awesome ! will wait for infos !

    just as side note, i wish to inform you that too many vehicles cause desync on my i have to stay with as few vehicles as possible .... and 3 arty is a kind of "waste" of performance to achieve the same result !
    thanks !

  20. Friznit

    12 Aug 2016 Administrator

    It's 3 because everyone kept asking for a battery of guns rather than a singleton, as in real life.

    Can't please everyone!

  21. Edited 7 years ago by DLEGION

    Yep i can understand ....maybe just allowing bigger number of shots can please both . the way for me its a serious problem with desync 100000 making me asking this


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