ORBAT: Has anyone reorganized the RHS GREF factions yet?

  1. 8 years ago

    I was thinking about what custom faction needs to be made next in the ORBAT and I was wondering if anyone else has already taken the initiative to correctly organize the RHS GREF factions so that they can be used in ALiVE.

    Anyone already working on this?

  2. I'd hold off on this for now till the next build. I just added the ability to move several groups at once so it shortens the time it takes to convert factions.

  3. Faaaaaaan-tabulous!

    Congrats to your Cubbies.

  4. @AUTigerGrad Faaaaaaan-tabulous!

    Congrats to your Cubbies.

    Oh yeah! Congrats on the win Spyder! It's a good day.

  5. No... No it is not... You STOLE THE HOPE FROM US CLEVELANDERS! D:

    Anyway, the new feature sounds awesome Spyder. I've been waiting for something like that to pop up with the ORBAT Creator/

  6. Cleveland's area code is 216.
    Chicago's are 872, 773, & 312.
    872 - 773 = 99
    99 + 216 = 315
    315 - 312 = 3
    Today is November 2nd.
    Yesterday was the 1st.
    2 - 1 = 1

    This brings us to (3-1)
    Cleveland blew a 3-1 lead.

  7. Mind. Blown.

  8. * Curse successfully transferred to CLE *

  9. Friznit

    7 Nov 2016 Administrator

    Sacrifice a goat about it

  10. Nah. When you want to concur something, eat it:


  11. Is it just me or are none of the RHS factions working now?
    I even loaded them up in the ORBAT creator and none of them are listed as ALiVE compatible

  12. They're working fine for me.

    FYI...I went ahead and started organizing the RHS GREF factions as well. I also plan on expanding them to include some African factions (full African armies for both Opfor and Blufor to represent a civil war, etc.) I'll add them to the ORBAT google drive collection.

    I'm also adding the new British Challenger Tank groups to my Brit factions and I've created a revamped 75th Rangers faction using Hawaiian's 75th mod, Military Gear pack, RHS US, and SMA.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    That's because non of them are compatible in the first place because RHS likes to play by their own rules. They only work because they are manually mapped to do so.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    The ones listed as functional on the wiki work for me. Unless something changed with yesterday's hotfix. I use the Russians, US Army and USMC all the time.

  15. Huh ok I tried using the US Army last night and kept being told there were no groups and nothing spawned. I must have messed something up.

  16. I've mapped the Russian Marines (VMF) and the US Marsoc units (SOCOM) correctly so that they now spawn in ALiVE.

    I'll add them to the orbatron.


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