Persistence with respawning vehicles

  1. 7 years ago

    I need a mission solution. Persistence works, but I seem to lose vehicles that are set to respawn at the starting area of my mission. Presume it's because at the time they hadn't had their respawn timer come up, but I don't exactly know the mechanics. Could someone give me pointers to having a reliable respawning vehicle that survives persistences pleasE?

  2. Edited 7 years ago by Moony

    I cannot help but I think we have the same problem right now.

    Vehicle is destoryed -> Vehicle is not yet respawned -> Mission Close (by saving and exit) -> Mission restart -> Vehicle will not respawn and is gone for good

  3. Think I might have the same problem

  4. Seems like a reasonable wish. I’d suggestion someone open a feature request ticket on the Github.

  5. highhead

    27 Nov 2017 Administrator
    Edited 7 years ago by highhead

    ALiVE Persistence and A3 vehicle respawn isn't quite compatible because the specific vehicle will be saved as destroyed and is then removed on mission reload totally as all destroyed objects / vehicles are. In the upcoming release (just fixed a bug with it), you can sync the vehicle to the "Player logistics (disable)" module for it not to save at all. I can take a look at A3 vehicle respawn some more, if its a popular request though.

  6. Yeah I think we've just hit the same issue.
    Never really been a problem for us before, but I've added the local auto saving every 12 hours or so and I think the save must have happened when vehicles were on a respawn timer.

  7. I have the same issue, it took a while to work out. Basically you can't have a respawning vehicle persist, it disappears for the next session :( which is pretty destroying of persistence.

  8. oops replied to my own post, I just realised.

  9. Friznit

    1 Dec 2017 Administrator

    Request a new one via Logistics?

  10. Edited 7 years ago by thebgpikester

    @Friznit Request a new one via Logistics?

    2 issues with that workaround, but thanks :)

    1. Combat support is permanently deleted in persistence. So good bye chopper transport.
    2. Custom vehicle loadouts are lost, the contents of those vehicles are often more important and have specific ammo settings.

    Getting the ammo to drop via Logistics again would require a lot of different crates which would be scattered to high heaven and annoy folks to have to load it into a vehicle again.

    I can see the argument that this is lost somewhere between a mod and the base game, but the only way to fix it would come from the mod. If it's too much dev time, that would be a shame (but understandable).
    EDIT: I set my respawn timers to one second and are super aggressive now.

  11. @thebgpikester 2 issues with that workaround, but thanks :)
    1. Combat support is permanently deleted in persistence. So good bye chopper transport.

    ? What do you mean?

  12. So the transport chopper service from ALiVE also disappears if it's caught destroyed between respawns and a save, assuming you tie it to a physical unit and write the line in to set it as transport as opposed to the virtual transport method.

    The reason I know this is all thanks to VCOM without vehicle theft switched off since the pilots immediately go into the air and misbehave.

  13. Custom vehicle loadouts are lost, the contents of those vehicles are often more important and have specific ammo settings.

    I've used something like this

    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
         class 	B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F {
    		init = " (_this select 0) call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'vehicleLoadout.sqf')";

    in the description.ext before

    What this does is any unarmed prowler (B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F) spawned will have the script vehicleLoadout.sqf run on it. Doing this you can customize the loadout etc on vehicles etc in your mission.

    I often use it to remove the doors from the prowlers, change their inventory etc etc.

    I know it's not really a solution, but could work as a band aid

  14. Hmm, I've just this weekend first used that event handler for putting random stuff in civilians pockets... It should work fine as long as I anticipate the right classes to be used. You are right, it's super powerful and a great idea, never thought of it. I might be able to just standardise vehicle loadouts for similar missions - removing the first aid kits and replacing with ACE gear for example. Of course whilst i'm there, i may as well standardise loadouts for all spawns with it.

    So many ideas, so little time!

    Thank you loads!


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