Mission not saving

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by deimer

    Running an insurgency mission on Clafghan with some friends, everything working fine up until I press server save and exit as admin. When I save on singleplayer mode, everything saves and works fine. When I save on the server, for other players it shows that it saved but for me nothing happens and the players freeze.

    I'm using local persistence mode and have set up everything correctly as I can see. I did another insurgency mission before on Al Rayak and everything worked fine. The only new mod I am using is VCOM AI and Ive just turned ace advanced medical on. Any help would be appreciated. Could it be the respawning messing with saving, as that's only in multiplayer?

  2. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks for the report. I’ve already seen this issue and reported it to our Dev Slack.

    For now you can run 1 call ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS

    In the debug console to do a manual save (without exit). Then run it againwith -1 after you get the save message. It SHOULD work for now.

  3. ^^^ Wait sorry, this might be a different issue. Try your mission again without VCOM. If it doesn’t save then try the code above. VCOM has a known issue with persistence in the current VCOM release.

  4. Thanks, VCOM was the problem. Guess ill need to find an older version.

  5. Got the same problem with the last Alive Update, local save not work.
    When i do server save and exit i got the UI with the saved stuff, but nothing is writing like profile, opcom.... when it was working the save taked 5 min, now its done in few second, mission restart but nothing is saved.

    I just use the Group Link (script version) for the IA and it was working fine.
    Maybe its a stupid question but i never used @aliveserver for Local save maybe its required for local save now ? i will try

  6. Forget to say the previous session(before the alive update) is always loaded every object, profile, objective....

  7. Am i able to use the debug command to save to be able to keep on using VCOM?

  8. @aliveserver is not needed for local saves. There definitely is as issue on my end, with extremely limited mods using a previously made mission (Spyder Addons only). I’ve made @Tupolov aware. He’s busy at the moment but we’ll see what he says when he has a chance to look at it. Try using the code above for now. I have no clue if it will work with current VCOM or not.

  9. Hey I've had this issue in the past (before this update). VCOM in its current iteration (2.94) is the problem. I fixed it and still was able to use VCOM by pulling the most up-to-date VCOM version from their github and running the script version only on my server. Pull the VCOM assets, place them in your mission folder with mission.sqm with [] execVM "VCOMAI\init.sqf"; in your init.sqf in the folder to enable VCOM.

    Before I did this, running either the modded version or scripted version, saving was iffy. The memory leaks from the current VCOM make it nearly unusable.

    After this, my missions save just as quickly and as thoroughly if the server has been running a mission for 5 minutes or 5 hours. No more hang-time until the server just crashes trying to do a server save and exit after running an operation -- and you still get to use VCOM! Everyone wins!

    This doesn't require you to run VCOM as a mod either server-side or client-side. Until the memory leaks are patched on the official VCOM release, this is the best fix.

  10. Got the same error on cloud too, mission not saving, stats player are recorded on War room.
    Got an other issue too, randomly the server FPS drop to 1 and come back to normal (+30) after 1 or 2 min.

    Got this error in the aliveplugin.txt :
    Return value [['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}

  11. 1 call_ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS
    I have executed this line (execServer) never get any message to confirm save.

  12. Used that github VCOM script fix and it works perfectly.

    For the other saving issues, ive always used local saving and never had a problem. You could try that instead of cloud maybe for it to work.

  13. I don't use VCOM, local save not working too, everything was working fine before the update

  14. @Damsous 1 call_ALiVE_fnc_AutoSave_PNS
    I have executed this line (execServer) never get any message to confirm save.

    I’ve only tried it using a local LAN and using local exec so maybe worth trying local exec and see if it takes? Not sure but can’t hurt I guess.

  15. Nothing work i try a mission without mod on Altis same issue, there is no way to save progression on my side, first time for me i meet this issue, its possible to get the previous version of Alive mode ?

  16. I found a older version of Alive on my HDD, just try it, local save work fine, i will use that for the moment and wait the next update.

  17. @Damsous I found a older version of Alive on my HDD, just try it, local save work fine, i will use that for the moment and wait the next update.

    Would it be a bother to have you log a ticket on the Github with that repro mission? Tupolov is a bit busy with CFP right now, I’m thinking with a ticket another dev might take a stab at it.

  18. yeah i will do it

  19. Deleted 6 years ago by deimer
  20. @Shamorshin

    Pull the VCOM assets, place them in your mission folder with mission.sqm with [] execVM "VCOMAI\init.sqf"; in your init.sqf in the folder to enable VCOM.

    Can you provide some clarification on this?

    I am running an Alive insurgency on Lythium and am running into saving issues. I am using ACE, VCOM, and RHS.

    After I made the mission I started it up on a local dedicated server for a quick test and had no problem. After fooling around for 15 minutes I was able to use "Server Save & Exit" and everything went normal.

    When I rejoined the mission, persistence was working normally. After playing for a few hours I tried to "Server Save & Exit." The tablet was showing that it was stuck on "ALiVE Persistence - Saving Data...Please Wait."

    I have the 2.94 VCOM AI script folder and init.sqf in my mission folder. Is there something else I need to do to apply the fix you describe?

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