ALiVE Player |
How It Works
ALiVE Multispawn significantly enhances the standard player respawn function to provide a more immersive experience. Mission Editors can choose from a number of different respawn options such as mobile HQ's, faction level respawn locations or a battlefield heli insertion.
Usage: Place the Multispawn module in the editor and select the desired respawn method. Either sync a vehicle of the desired faction to the module or place a correctly named map marker as below.
Air Insertion: simulated a battlefield logistics unit providing continuous air insertion. Killed players (and optionally JIP players) are queued until the heli is available then transported to the insertion point. Optional markers:
ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_INSERTION_%FACTION% to set a fixed faction specific insertion point. ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_DESTINATION_%FACTION% to set fixed faction specific drop off point.
Faction Respawn: players will respawn at the faction specific respawn location. Requires a marker named ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWN_%FACTION%
Respawn In Vehicle: players will respawn in a vehicle belonging to their faction that is synced to the Multispawn module. The side and faction is determined automatically. Alternatively, editors can set any vehicle as the respawn point by naming it ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWNVEHICLE_%FACTION%