1. 6 years ago

    Hi all!

    So I am currently building a mission where its based some what off the scenario of the war in Donbass (Ukraine). I have the top faction controlling that area and the military AI commander set to "occupation". The bottom faction I have controlling that area and have it set to "invasion". What I want to happen is that the bottom faction is constantly attacking the top faction from the closest towns take and secure to the next town. How would I do this? I am also getting a bug with the air component commander if anyone could take a look at the code below.



  2. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I’m assuming all those objective placement modules over the markers are custom objective modules? First thing I notice is that you don’t have the opposing sides synced to either of the other side’s objectives. So first things first I’d synced the bottom Commander module to the top side’s custom objective modules.

    That’s what I’d try. Though without military or civilian placement objective modules, I’m not sure if the groups spawned by the custom objective modules will leave their areas and attack the synced modules. One way to find out though.

  3. Do they need to be custom objectives? At the minute the modulus are civilian military objectives. I tried syncing them before but they had weird prioritization on objectives but will try again!

  4. Oh you don’t need that many then. Just put one civilian/military for each side, then add the marker names to the whitelist in each objective placement module. If they don’t pick up objectives where your markers are, place custom objectives in the dead places instead.

  5. I use custom objectives with some of my missions, and the AI does indeed attack and defend them as it would any "normal" mil/civ objectives, as long as the commanders have them synced. Thus, civ/mil objectives aren't necessary to make a mission function, it just takes a bit more work. Also, take note that the amount of troops in custom objectives means whole squads. I usually use a number between 20 - 40 in each custom objective to make sure the AI has enough troops to do stuff with. If the AI ever seems too passive at a location, just up the number of troops.

  6. What map are you using? Is it listed in the indexed page?

  7. Also you have to link the objectives you want one side to attack to the other commander.

    Take a look at the wiki and click on the quickstart link and it should be one of the first things it shows in there when you go to it. You can use this picture here to show how it will appear with the lines on the screen.


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