@Cienias Hey guys!
As I understand, the hostility option for civilians can change according to player actions, like destroying enemy installations, talking to leaders, or killing civilian population. Is there a function that controls the hostility change? I'm working on a script that would decrease hostility towards BLUFOR when players bring humanitarian aid to civilian populated locations, but I'm not even sure if it's possible without peeking into mod's source code.
Here is some example code to change civilian hostility in an area, this must be executed on the server to work.
// Must be executed on server
[position, sides, value] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility;
Value is a relative increment to existing hostility
// increase hostility at player's position for player's side
[getPos player, [side player], 20] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility;
// decrease hostility at player's position for player's side
[getPos player, [side player], -20] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility;