Long time ALiVE mission maker wants to ask some questions to you fine fellas.

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    So obviously I've made about eleventy billion (that's a number!) missions with ALiVE, but I still find myself reading the wiki every few months and getting fresh ideas after reading it.

    I had some specific questions re: Insurgency/Assymetric campaigns that I wanted to get clarified.

    From the wiki:
    Sabotage - insurgents will collect explosives from a Weapons Depot and set out to destroy or damage civilian infrastructure targets such as factories and power stations in order to destabilise the security situation. They will attempt to place 3 to 5 explosive charges near the building before moving to safe distance and detonating. If they are successful, this will have a high impact on the hostility level.

    And this:
    Hearts & Minds: Security forces must maintain a patrol presence in towns to reduce hostility levels and ensure critical civilian infrastructure such as power stations, factories and fuel depots are guarded. Damage to civilians and their property must be avoided at all costs to prevent hostility increasing and the situation spiraling out of control, even when those same civilians may be harbouring insurgents! Security Forces can improve the situation by clearing the area of hostile forces, disarming IEDs or by finding and destroying IED factories, roadblocks, weapon depots and recruitment HQs.

    Clarification question:
    In many of my missions, I only use a Civ Obj Module for the Insurgent AI Commander, as it helps to keep (in my view) unrealistic attacks on well armed military FOBs at a minimum and keeps the focus on the insurgents staying in less heavily guarded civilian areas.

    That being said...are factories, power stations, and fuel depots ignored if I do not sync the Insurgent AI Commander to a Mil Obj Module as well? I'd hate to be missing out on this feature if that's the case.

    Second Clarification question:
    If the goal is to prevent Civilian damage to buildings....can the player "eliminate" the insurgent installations within a building by any other means than blowing it up?

    Can we move the ammo boxes, water coolers, etc. out of the building, set some charges, and destroy the assets outside of the building? If so...will ALiVE recognize that that particular insurgent location no longer exists?

    Next...also from the wiki:

    Ambushes - Insurgents will attempt to ambush military patrols and convoys in the open, using a combination of IEDs or hit and run attacks.

    Assaults - Raids on military outposts and patrol bases are one way insurgents can acquire new weapons and equipment.

    First off...Ambushes...these are freaking awesome! I was zeusing around and testing a mission I'm building on Isla Duala and I saw this first hand. A UN convoy got ambushed by some Islamic African terrorists who had planted IEDs in the road then set up fighters on either side of the road hidden behind trees and under a bridge. When the convoy arrived..BOOM!! A TON of explosives went off, destroyed the trucks, and the insurgents swooped out of hiding and took care of the rest.

    VERY VERY cool!!

    Re: Assaults.... Going back to my earlier question about using a Mil OBJ module with an Asymmetric AI commander....does this mean that if I sync that AI OPCOM to the Objective module...and the insurgents attack a friendly military installation..that the Asymmetric commander automatically generates a weapons cache after an assault simulating an influx of stolen arms? How does this work?

    And..if I don't sync a MIL Obj module to the Assymetric Commander..is this another feature that I'm potentially missing out on?

    Even after almost 2 years of using ALiVE....I'm still finding myself asking questions.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    This is a really good thread. Maybe @highhead will have a moment at some point and come chat. I have a lot of questions too. I've read that wiki entry probably a bazillion times, and certain aspects of it I just can't tell whether they are working or not.

    For example, the wiki implies the importance of patrolling, and because of this, I do it a lot. Even when I have a hunch a town is empty and only has civs. The wiki very clearly states just being present (and I'm assuming this is visualized by turning a TRACE square green) can lower hostility. Is this true, or is it just related to the asset destruction stuff? And disarming IED's lowers the hostility too? I always assumed it did but I certainly would be nice to know.

    Also, as quoted above but not directly asked about, the wiki says the insurgents will destroy civilian infrastructure to destabilize the situation. I've never seen them destroy anything. Establish things (IED factories, weapons depots, etc)? Yes. Arm themselves and destroy infrastructure? No. Has anyone ever seen them do this?

    I've also never seen the insurgents use/steal my stuff, and as opposed to AuTigerGrad, I usually almost always do give them a mil obj module (and sync them to mine too). But then again, I do keep my bases well guarded because I agree with AuTigerGrad that them trying to out right take over my base would be a little stupid of them. One thing though, I generally disable the non-insurgent ambient supply items, so I wonder if this means I'm giving them nothing to "steal." Hmm. I think I'll make sure I enable it from now on in the obj module and see what happens.

    Nice thread dude.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh, regarding the power stations, fuel depots and factories question. In the indexing categorization UI, these are classified as "civilian." You can see that in the photo here: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Map_Indexing

    EDIT: All new maps indexed using the UI would almost certainly have these categorized as civ. However, a lot of older maps were indexed before this tool was made so definitely take a look with debug to see if the classification is consistent with that in the maps you're playing on.

  4. The indexing process was the same before and after the indexer, just took more a lot more effort. They do target civilian buildings. Turn debug on for civilian population and asymm opcom and wait for a sabotage order to show on an objective/building.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh ok. I've seen that marker a ton, I had no idea it wasn't an attack objective or something. Makes sense. Thanks.

  6. highhead

    27 Feb 2017 Administrator

    Q: are factories, power stations, and fuel depots ignored if I do not sync the Insurgent AI Commander to a Mil Obj Module as well? I'd hate to be missing out on this feature if that's the case.

    --> power stations / fuel depots etc. are civilian installations and therefor provided by "Military Placement (civilian objectives)" module. You do not need to sync a Mil objectives module to it.

    Q: If the goal is to prevent Civilian damage to buildings....can the player "eliminate" the insurgent installations within a building by any other means than blowing it up?

    --> no sadly not (yet, as the building is used to identify the location). But I personally like the idea, if it is not too much of an hazzle I could maybe change that somehow. This would also fix the issue of some buildings just not being destroyable, even though i am filtering out those.

    Q: does this mean that if I sync that AI OPCOM to the Objective module...and the insurgents attack a friendly military installation..that the Asymmetric commander automatically generates a weapons cache after an assault simulating an influx of stolen arms? How does this work?

    --> Indirectly yes: Assaults are only done if the hostility level is very high and the amount of available troops is high enough to outnumber the opponents. Caches, roadblocks, recruitment HQs are only set up if the hostility level is very low. So what happens is, that if the assault goes well, the hostility level is reduced and then depots, roadblocks, HQs etc. can eventually been set up. If "Place Supplies" is also selected on the specific placement module there could as well be weapons caches placed at those objectives. Insurgents will also mount static weapons and armed vehicles when garrisonning a taken objective but currently the outfitting does not change by objectives taken (I also like that idea though).

    I do not get what you mean about the feature you are missing out, stated in the last setence, also the link is dead?

    Q: the wiki says the insurgents will destroy civilian infrastructure to destabilize the situation. I've never seen them destroy anything.

    --> If Insurgents move to a town to sabotage something, they will not do that themselves but they will tell an ambient civilian to move to the specific building silently, who then places the bombs. If you switch on debug of the ambient civilian modules on, you will see that there is an ALiVE_fnc_cc_sabotage action placed on a civilian within a "sabotage" objective. It looks quite cool, because the civi will move to the objective and really place physical bombs there :)

    about insurgents stealing stuff: Could be related to an AI mod like ASR or VCOM? no clue actually. I do not have any looting system implemented.

    hope this answers some of your questions comrades

  7. highhead

    27 Feb 2017 Administrator

    BTW.: Great guys, that you are still doing so many missions using ALiVE! That's really great! Love ya guys!

  8. highhead

    27 Feb 2017 Administrator

    ahh and another useful hint!

    You can use SEVERAL Civ placement modules if you want specific locations being selected. You can f.e. use one module where you filter for type "power" and another module where you filter for "comms" and another one where you filter for "fuel". Sync all three to the asymm commander and it will specifically target those installations!

  9. Thanks for replying HH :)

  10. Thanks for replying Savage

  11. highhead

    27 Feb 2017 Administrator

    thanks for replying spyder

  12. You're the man @highhead. Thanks!

  13. *Group Hugs*

  14. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Latest ALiVE Team pic


  15. WTF are you doing standing around posing? Don't you have code to write?!?

    Get back to making my game better for free tia

  16. Thanks a lot HH, that was very very useful. I appreciate you taking the time to break the mode down like that. It answered a lot questions I always wondered about.

  17. Friznit

    27 Feb 2017 Administrator

    Thanks for replying.

  18. Samesies.

  19. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=samesies

  20. I flirt with you all the time in math class

  21. 8 years ago

    Yeah the examples are epic: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3Depic%26amp%3Dtrue

    Lol at the most overused word next to fail. :) I used to post Operation Sports a lot and at one point they banned "epic" through their filter as a swear word because everyone was using it to describe everything.

  22. @highhead I have a couple of questions about this from a different perspective. In a mission I am working on and close to finishing I have a group of players playing as the insurgents with another group playing as a US SOCOM Unconventional Warfare task force to assist those same insurgents against an AI occupying force.

    Would it be best to setup the AI faction as the occupation or invasion in this mission?

    As it stands now I have them set to where the civilians are low hostility against the Independents (Player insurgents) and Blufor (SOCOM task force) but high against AI. Is there a way to set the AI faction to a point where they would be able to lower the hostility level of the civilians against them and through player mistakes (ie...killing civilians, collateral damage, etc...) have the Civilians increasingly hate the Independents?

  23. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Yeah the examples are epic: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3Depic%26amp%3Dtrue

    Lol at the most overused word next to fail. :) I used to post Operation Sports a lot and at one point they banned "epic" through their filter as a swear word because everyone was using it to describe everything.

    The most overused word these days is literally "literally".

  24. I use it a lot too. Bad habit. :(

  25. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I Iiterally use that word all the time

  26. Also it's like people don't know the meaning of the word... they stay literally but they mean figuratively.


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